[h3]Nightman and Ken[/h3] [@Letter Bee] [hr] Dr. Nightman did not laugh this time. To be fair, Ken had threatened to kill him twice in the span of a minute. He sighed, "I don't know. Honestly. You're right, to a degree. I am a people person. Computers, technology, maintaining a website. I find these things dull, tedious, and impersonal. As for what you saw, well, perhaps an overeager employee who took the bad reviews personally, or... perhaps I'm just that good at my job." He did finally manage another smile by the end. "I suppose if nothing else is accomplished today, I'll know I need to be more vigilant with all aspects of my job here." Despite the momentary lapse in his mood, one could not say that Nightman ever seemed worried by Ken's threats. Why, was impossible to say. Perhaps his poker face was simply masterful, or perhaps he was used to it from past patients. "As for 'proving' myself, I'm not sure what you want. As you can see, I'm sitting here in this chair at beyond arm's length wearing a sweater-vest and loafers. I know in this world, even that proves little, but that's just it, isn't it? We've all been given gifts, and wonderous as they are, they've cursed us with the knowledge that anyone could have a dagger up their sleeve, so to speak." He chuckled again. "Even if they don't even have sleeves." "I have been here, doing this, for many years, Ken. In a city with many of the most powerful people on this planet, all of whom could stomp me out in an instant. If I was hurting people, surely by now one of them would have done so." He kept his hands folded on his lap, not even trying to protect himself. "So, if you want to be that person because you've already made up your mind with regard to your suspicions, be my guest. I'll understand. I'll know what drove you to do so, but just know that outside these doors such actions have consequences. No one else will understand or believe that you thought you were protecting yourself. They would simply see it as murder." "It's hard to prove the absence or something, Ken. I will simply look you in the eye and tell you that I have never once put a scratch on anyone who has come here before you," he told him, doing as he said. "When I was done with them, they walked back out the door just fine. Every time."