[@Mintz] Sorry, finished that CS at 2am and was really tired. Anyway, Hero Megatron was a thing in the IDW comics. In the "More Than Meets The Eye" Continuity, Megatron became best friends with Bumblebee and then, when Shockewave murdered Bee in front of Megatron in cold blood, it shook Megatrons convictions and he [url=https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8122401551eda287cd175826af40b5f7-lq]joined the Autobots[/url] in order to bring the war to an end. If you like Transformers i highly recommend getting your hands on trades of it, because it is hilarious and heartwarming and really delves into Megatrons psyche, especially [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/064a3400e2eb2f32bdaf9ae8b05a8ad3/6d481dc199b6ef49-7a/s1280x1920/1f6ca748a85848a72c2e408dc564f79574ab214a.jpg]every interaction[/url] between [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/f358e6bf9ea2eb438aec2f77676d7608/tumblr_inline_pbzpk6VNWp1ruzm5u_400.png]Megatron and Rung[/url]. It's realy refreshing to see a story like this where everyone around him is constantly calling him on his bullshit, because he is still Cybertronian Hitler, even if he repented and switched sides at the end. It really pissed me off in Star Trek Discovery that the plotpoint where everyone hates Michael for starting the Klingon war gets swept under the rug after the first 3 episodes and is never really brought up again. just note that it doesn't end, it just stops as IDW got the Transformers licence pulled for stupid fucking reasons. Also, Bumblebee's ghost haunts Starscream, because the new Cybertronian people elected Starscream their Prime Minister, it's hilarious.