[hider=OC lol] Lavender “No, go on. I don’t mind your little battle. In fact, it’s quite entertaining." Lavender is a tall and lean female who is somehow as light as a feather. Wherever she goes, she dons a semi-realistic fox mask with ebony eyes to hide her face. Just like her name says, her hair is a muted shade of lavender that is normally tie up into a tight ponytail. She also always wears a traveller’s cloak, brown and well-worn though it still serves it’s purpose. Age: 23- at least, that’s how old she looks. She could be younger or a tad bit older. Lavender doesn’t really know her age anymore. Gender: Female Rich or Poor?: She looks poor, but hidden beneath her cloak are dozens of golden and silver jewellery she has accumulated over her years of travel. Power Description: Lavender has fire, but blue. Think of Azula from ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ blue fire. She can manipulate it, turn normal fire into blue fire and can create fire with a flick of a wrist though it burns her if she keeps it in her hand. Burns hotter than normal fire and is her greatest strength. Skills: Lavender does not really call it a skill, but she is able to stay calm in the most chaotic of situations*. She is also considerably flexible. *There is only one specific event where Lavender will start to panic, which is when she is at such a disadvantage that her main weakness is revealed and she does not have an explanation that doesn’t reveal how to damage her blue fire. Personality: Lavender is a calm woman who keeps to herself. Sometimes, however, she can be somewhat proud, quietly boasting about her victories of the past to those willing to listen. Despite that, she keeps a level-head and tries to see reason behind action. Biography: Lavender came from a quaint little orphanage that burnt down when she was extremely young. After a couple years of living in alleyways and dumpsters she acquired enough skills to be confident enough in herself to travel between lands. When she was around 15 she stumbled upon a temple. Whatever happened in there is a secret Lavender would like nobody to know but this is where she got her fire (and her [color=teal]sapphire[/color] in the left eye!) from. Afterwards Lavender continued to mature, but years of travelling alone with nothing but herself for entertainment shaped her into someone constantly thirsty for drama. Maybe it also twisted her mind a little, but that’s not something she will discuss either. Likes: Fire, real-life drama (to watch, obviously lol), the sun and the moon. Oh, and arson. Dislikes: Extremely large amounts of water. Fears: Drowning, for some reason. Weaknesses: Sometimes, when she gets drunk or her guard lowers, she often takes off her mask. When she does, she exposes the previously mentioned [color=teal]sapphire jewel[/color] that replaces her left eye, the gem of which is the source of her blue fire. Any damage down to the jewel will be damage done to her power, and will greatly weaken her. Other: When she gets really, really mad/angry, she gets quite…murderous and while in this state, she will absolutely destroy anything in her path, whether they are friend or foe. She will commit arson. Theme Song: Lavender thinks a theme song would give her away when sneaking up on enemies. (actual excuse - I can’t find a good theme song for her :-:) [/hider] I am now asking you to forgive me for the hints of immaturity apparent within the character sheet :)