[center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h2][color=f7941d][i][b]Kosara[/b][/i][/color][/h2][i][b][color=f7941d]Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03[/color][/b][/i] [color=f7941d][i][b]HP:[/b][/i][/color] 21/ 21 [color=f7941d][i][b]Armor Class:[/b][/i][/color] 12(15 Mage Armor) [color=f7941d][i][b]Conditions:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=f7941d][i][b]Location:[/b][/i][/color] Hayloft [color=f7941d][i][b]Action:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=f7941d][i][b]Bonus Action:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [color=f7941d][i][b]Reaction:[/b][/i][/color] N/A [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/728619876209655898/902932330665115668/tiefalt.png[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center] [color=f7941d]“Yep we are! REALLY GOOD [i]friends[/i]!”[/color] Kosara pipped up in response to Lizbeth’s question and Kathryn’s hurried hushed denials, using the same intonation they were using, it seemed fun. The tiefling saw absolutely no reason to deny it! Friends they were and she considered them real good ones already! What was the issue with it that Kathryn was seeing, the dancer couldn’t rightly place. She tossed the huge woman a curious glance.[color=f7941d]” We are really good friends, right? Whats the issue? There are other types of [i]friends[/i]?” [/color]She asked, pondering what Kathryn meant. There was a distinct dissonance in the white tiefling’s mind between the different meanings of the word ‘friends’. Mainly that she knew only one meaning… or her mind only allowed that one meaning. When the girl moved to leave, Kosara waved.”[color=f7941d] Bye, Lizbeth.[/color]” Kosara smiled, watching the girl go make herself busy. Kosara in turn decided it was time to confirm her own sleeping arrangements for the night. She was planning on sleeping on the second floor. Or maybe near the fire and light sources in the hayloft. Though thinking about it, up on the second floor with hay as cushion and her bedroll or her blanket over it, it would be a truly new experience! Though she was wondering where they could get a chance to wash or bathe. Did this place has communal baths at least or would they need to find a room in a tavern just for that? So while Kosara was busy setting her bedroll and other sleeping arrangements on a nice pile of hay upstairs, she followed the conversation turning to what to do now.[color=f7941d]” Ohh… yes!”[/color] She chimed from above when it when Marita mentioned that it should be safe enough to wander about to her and Hugh[color=f7941d].” Hey, Hugh, want to go explore the town?”[/color] She called out to the very fancy and very sneaky monk as she finished her preparations and headed downstairs again, bringing her bag with her, having left only the bedding behind. More space in her bag and it was lighter now! She would be capable of neatly collecting stuff! [color=f7941d]“I’m thinking of checking the markets! I want to see what this festival’s all about! And if there’s something of note happening, it’s likely to happen at the markets where people gather! Evil folks, dastardly schemes, underhanded means! We can also swing by that walled municipal building! It seemed to hold secrets, I want to check it again!”[/color] She let out a childish laughter as she practically skipped out of the hayloft.[color=f7941d]” So we go together or split? I might go back to the Honey Barn later in the evening, or most certainly tomorrow. Madam Marcie seemed to have work and I want to talk with the girls there. They will know all the latest gossip!”[/color]