I have made the decision to give up on RP. I blame you all for it. You know who the hell you are too. I came here looking to create. Make a rather wonderful RP. Successful and exciting. However... as i started to get it set... i started to embark on the roll of looking for people who would be interested in being a part of it. A good part of it and rather vital too. However i got no one to take notice. No one cared. Other than one person. No. Make that two... possibly 3. 3. 3 out of a hoped for 50. I was looking to conduct a Rp that meant something to me in a way or so. What i soon as time passed on... found out that it was never gonna happen. I don't know as to why i bother anymore as i tried and tried. I even tried to meet one and all on a equal level and all i got was disappointments. Disapprovals of how i were to see things. How i envisioned things. Every time i put it out there for all. You all smeared me. Put me down and insulted me. Insulted me at every turn. Like i was never gonna be enough for any of you. Truth was... i knew that i was gonna face the same shit as i did other places but was having faith that i wouldn't have the same sour treatment. The only thing that i had come from it... was discontent. You all have made me feel like i am nothing more than a bastard member who you would wish was dead. Never born. Hating me and made sure i knew it by constantly demeaning me... My characters... my Rp styles and the whole kit. Demoralizing how i perceived things. Well... guess what? Message received. I get it. You all hated me. Want nothing to do with me. Want me to be alone unless i start doing RP's that have smut and gross. Unless i were to start cowtowing and stepping in the way you all demand. I am nothing more than just some joke to you all. Well... go ahead and laugh at me. I don't give a shit anymore. I am tired of trying to do what i can to please you just to come out failing miserably. For those of you who are so into attacking me at every single turn. My statements here should be a rather sweet treat for your eyes to read. because knowing you... you are gonna be thinking: "Oh... we're being praised for what we done to the individual. Bless that person's soul. Praising us." No matter. Go ahead and speak ill about me. All you people care about... is yourself. Seeking any and all to take away my sense of safety and security here. Congrats to all. To those who are responsible. You know who you are. Plus to the one who clearly turned against me by always ditching convo's... You stung me and broke my heart. So much for friendship. It isn't like i am attacking aimlessly. I'm not. But i'm just throwing in the towel. I'm admitting defeat. You people... and you know who are... wanted to see me destroyed. Wanted for me to be reduced to nothing and torn asunder. Guess what? You got your wish. Enjoy your spoils. All of you. Have a nice day. The whole bunch of you... who again... know who you are.