[@Lyla] Looks good but I do want one change. I have a problem with her having invincibility as it removes the sense of danger that all the PCs should feel during the first few parts of the RP. I plan on the story at the start to go something along the lines of the heroes facing difficult odds but thanks to grit, teamwork, and a healthy dose of luck do they succeed. She should feel impending doom from something and she can't if she knows that Dr. Skull's lightning gun won't do much more than give her a nasty shock or something. At a future point when everyone gets to the 'big leagues' perhaps that would be a good point where she starts to realize that things that sent her to the hospital for a month now only gives her a paper cut, but I would suggest adding something feasible for a villain to be able to harm her with. Other than that I like her, especially as it seems that using her powers also negatively impacts her. She would not be so willing punch through ten feet of concrete if it gives her a lot of pain. I think it would be interesting to read how it plays out. So with the change to invulnerability it would be more or less approved pending any extra sections I want to add to the CS. I'll have the final CS template up with the OOC which I am working on compiling my notes for now. I have a busy week so it will probably take up to a week for me to finalize the CS, make up a optional villain/antagonist CS, finalize a little background lore about the city this RP takes place in, and add some ground rules for the RP (things like 'be cool to each other', 'no power gaming' etc. a lot of it should be intuitive).