[@Kiragan_Natsuki] [color=f7941d][b][h1][center]Magdalene “Maggie” Harwood[/center] [/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://artignition.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Livia-Prima-Cyberpunk-Girl-Drawing.jpg[/img] Maggie was glaring at Emma through the rearview mirror. If she was able to, she would be burning a hole through the back of her head. Her mouth opened about to throw another slur her way, but quickly closed it as she didn’t want to spend any more energy on her. All she knew was that she was going to walk away a free woman. “[color=f7941d][i]Keep talking bitch, your not gonna be laughing when living under a bridge.[/i][/color]” She thought with a smirk on her face. Watching Nina turning her head at her, screaming about how she was going to be killed by her employer. “[color=f7941d]There could be a possibility that gook would try to kill me after I give em the info. But I’m prepared for such an occasion, I will know if he’s tries to kill me, and if my suspicions are right then that info is gonna go bye-bye.[/color]” She was putting on a visage of confidence, when in reality the thought of being shot in the alley like a dog terrified her. She was not sure if her hacker friends could save her from a bullet. “[color=f7941d]Besides I got friends that are looking after me, So don’t gotta worry about me Nin.[/color]” Her smug attitude was quickly shattered along with the windshield. “[color=f7941d]Get down Lilith!!![/color]” Trying to grab Lilth’s shirt to pull her down onto the ground of the cruiser. She was safe face down on her stomach, however Lilith was not so lucky. Maggie could see she was hit in the chest and stomach, making her look like swiss cheese. She let out a loud gasp, some of Lilith's blood splattered on her face. And since she was still cuffed, it was quite hard to see what was going on. The mention of the Regulators made her quite fearful, she had heard a lot of bad things happening when they get involved. “[color=f7941d]Mine uncuffing me Nin, i can’t do shit with my hands behind my back.[/color]” Waiting for Emma to uncuff her, after being uncuffed she followed Nina while keeping low to the ground. “[color=f7941d]If you got an extra piece for me to use, then i can cover you.[/color]” She found it highly unlike she was going to let a criminal use a gun. But in this situation, Maggie thought that this would be the expectation. She hoped that she and Emma could get out of here in one piece.