[b]"No no! I don't mind. It's not every day I get a chance to travel with someone who shares interest in literary practices. Ramble away. Maemion."[/b] She laughed. It was the truth. Most often her travel companions didn't share much interest for such things. It was a pleasant and welcome surprise to be able to travel with someone who had similar interests. As far as she was concerned, she could listen to him ramble all day. Listening was a part of learning, after all, and people can learn many things simply from listening to someone or something. [b]"You write as well? Oh I must simply read some of your work some time! I can't say I've been to Valenwood yet, but I plan to sometime during my travels! But why is an Argonian popular in Valenwood?..."[/b] She posed the question aloud without thinking about it. It was curious, to her as to why he would be popular there. There was also the fact that he didn't have a typical Argonian name. Perhaps he was raised in Valenwood? She realized however, that he might find the question rude and quickly stopped herself from asking. She apologized and introduced herself. [b]"Sorry, I tend to ramble sometimes myself. I'm Surani, by the way. Pleasure to meet you, Maemion."[/b]