[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmJlYzViZC5WR2hsSUVadmNtVjJaWElnUzJsdVp3LjA/blackchancery.regular.webp[/img][/center] [b]Location:[/b] Paradox Engine, Simulated Universe #1 (Open Fields, Current Simulation:...?) [b]Mentions:[/b] Bonesaw [@Lewascan2], Cyrus [@Randomness], Shadow Moth [@TruthHurts22], Poison Ivy [@Crimson Flame], Horus [@Dead Cruiser], Ganondorf [@ActRaiserTheReturned][hr][hr] Driscoll found, to his silent shock, that he had to cast his gaze towards the skies to see the latest arrival face-to-face. A true tower of a man, clad in bulkish, unwieldly-looking armor as he placed the head of his giant mace to the verdant ground beneath. A show of peace....If not also a quiet threat. However, the Forever King found himself even more taken aback as he spoke a piece of Latin. Unexpected. [color=0054a6]'Hail the Emperor, mm? Intriguing...'[/color] He mused to himself mentally as the beast of a man continued, claiming himself to be a Warmaster of the Imperium of Mankind. Yet again, more empty words, though the context behind them brought a small smile to Driscoll's face. Perhaps this individual's ideals were not so far off from the Forever Knights themselves... The conversation was continued as the dapperly-dressed man spoke up once more, addressing Driscoll. He spoke of his concerns, and a lack of trust, before he began to mutter to himself once more. A man more used to solitude, if the King was to hazard a guess. Once would have been nothing, but twice is a pattern...Still, the man, who he could now refer to by a name, rounded back to the conversation and spoke of finding civilization. [color=0054a6]"Mm...On that we agree, Shadow Moth. Trust is a harshly-earned commodity in any world. As for my openness, well..."[/color] Through the mere tone of his voice following this, you could feel the smug smile behind his helmet. [color=0054a6]"A true ruler has nothing to hide."[/color] Another show of authority from the Forever King, parading what some might see as vulnerability as mere grandstanding. Still, he nodded dutifully to the last remark of his new secretive acquaintance. [color=0054a6]"That sounds wise. Granted, this land seems devoid of much else than the grass beneath our feet. Something of this feels...Unnatural."[/color] The gaunt-looking fellow finally spoke up, seeming to signal his attack dog off. Good. His talk of Team Galactic left Driscoll continually more perplexed. If there was another group even half as large as the Forever Knights, Driscoll would have known of them. And yet...Nothing. Between that and the Imperium of Mankind, another strange pattern began to reveal itself. Nothing between these individuals seemed to match the other. Stranger and stranger still.... [color=0054a6]"Well met, Cyrus. It is true; I have never heard tell of such an organization. Most peculiar..."[/color] Beneath the visor, however, Cyrus' claim of something he would not understand irked him, though perhaps irrationally so. Was this man suggesting something of his intellect? Or was it another case of that strange pattern, such as the both of them being unfamiliar with the other's team? In the end, he decided not to press it; this was not the situation to make enemies. Not yet. [color=0054a6]"...I will take your word on that. You possess quite lofty goals, I must say. My respect."[/color] He gave a curt nod to him, in truth finding them to be as he said. Not entirely dissimilar to Driscoll's intentions, though he suspects for much different reasons. Perhaps a middle ground could be met... It was then that, finally, the Forever King's attention was taken back to the odd child who regarded the group, most particularly Shadow Moth, and spoke of what [i]might[/i] have brought her here before briefly turning her attention to Driscoll himself with a smile and a wave. Something about her eyes, though...He had seen many a battle against innumerous beasts, extraterrestrials and otherwise monstrosities, and her eyes....Held a certain predatory quality to them. Disconcerting, to be certain... His mind was taken away from this when the young one's gaze was taken away to some other individuals; both ginger, though vastly different beyond that regard. She spoke to the swarthy-looking one with the blade, reprimanding him for...Swearing? Truth be told, Driscoll couldn't repress a small, but honest, laugh. How amusing. [color=0054a6]"Yes. Can't you see we have a young lady in our midst? It would serve you well to remember your manners."[/color] At first, it seemed like Driscoll was merely humoring the little girl, but this too was a sneaky plot to leadership, effectively telling this newcomer that he ought to know his place, without outwardly doing so. The moment snapped back to Bonesaw once she had finished greeting the new arrival, Horus, and spoke once more to Shadow Moth, though her words did not bring laughter to the aged knight this time. Something of how she spoke so casually of something called a 'berserk mode' played into what he had seen of her gaze before. Yes, this child was more than meets the eye. Interesting...If not concerning. Then she finally got around to her introduction; little Riley Grace Davis, otherwise known as...Bonesaw of the Slaughterhouse Nine? Questions bubbled to the foremost part of the Forever King's mind, but something told him he likely wouldn't appreciate any answer he could receive. But, at the least, he could appreciate her manners. [color=0054a6]"You are quite the polite girl, young Riley. Your parents ought to be proud. Certainly better manners than an unruly teenager I know..."[/color] His last sentence held a vicious edge to it, clearly bitter just thinking about whoever he may be referring to. [color=0054a6]"Well then, beyond [i]those two,[/i][/color] Driscoll gave a brief wave of his hand to the two redheads, practically dismissing them already. [color=0054a6]"we are now more knowledgeable than we were prior, and that is worth something. I...Am loathe to admit it, due to the scarce prospects of such an idea, but it seems sir Shadow Moth's idea would be for the best."[/color][hr][hr] [b]Simulation Proceeding: Test variant 1T, Techadon Invasion. Calculating odds of universe survival....01.38%.[/b] Disconnected from the clamoring of those wicked few, something was brought back online after so many years of inactivity. Or had it only been seconds? In the Paradox Engine, such concepts as time meant precious little, even less so to the intelligence tasked with running the myriad simulations across the Testing Grounds. [b]....Unlikely scenario detected. Multiple Class-A Villains present in universe. Recalculating Simulation. Universe survival now stands at....[/b][hr][hr] Driscoll barely had the time to recognize what was approaching in spite of the clear skies. Out of seemingly nowhere, he bore witness to two objects hurtling down towards the surface of the plains at incredible speeds, gathering heat and force by the second. Instinct took over; not that of the Knights, but of the Plumbers. [color=0054a6]"GET DOWN!"[/color] Hastily, the King unceremoniously scooped up young Riley and dove, barely getting the both of them away in time as the crash sent them, as well as most of the others, sailing briefly across the grassy lands. As soon as he recovered, he took quick account of her condition, and seeing her fine, gently placed her back on solid ground. She may be more than meets the eye, and not in a pleasant sense, but in Driscoll's eyes, she was still a human child; something worth protecting...Beyond the fact that he had the sense he'd soon need as many allies as possible. As the other object still took time to catch up, out of the smoldering crater of the first crash, from smoke and flames, something rose... [hider=Techadon Invader] [center][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9eb3befd23c269ab4f6870456ce4c44a?rik=UP2u5Kf1uxloRA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img][/center] [/hider] A titan of metal, standing nearly eye-to-eye with the Forever King, the heartstopping arrival seemed to gaze at all the individuals surrounding it, taking them in...And without warning, it reached its hand towards Driscoll as a blast of searingly bright blue energy launched towards him. He only just found the time to defend himself, forming something akin to a kite shield made of energy, though it still managed to push him back a few feet as he scoffed. Only the young one was close enough to hear him speak up next. [color=0054a6]"This just keeps becoming more complicated...Techadons."[/color]