Lily screamed as the burst of light emerged from the box she was holding, seeing it open up to reveal the face of Lampon. There was something incredibly unsettling about the Demon Man type digimon. The way it seemed to be mocking her, the way it came from out nowhere. Lily had no time to process this before suddenly she saw Emma and Fefnir were sucked into the box. Light shown around the Mettarus, and Lily had to close her eyes for a moment with how bright everything had suddenly become. She felt her knees trembling as she did finally look up to see the face of Lampon. The demon seemed quite pleased with itself, giving her its cryptic warning. Lily let out an anguished cry, "Wait! Where did they go?" She asked desperately, a twisted feeling inside of her stomach. Two people, two good people, had been sucked out of existence in a moment. It was all she could do to not cry. Two wishes, two cards she could use. She took them from the air with trembling fingers, the entire world spinning underneath her. She had wanted to survive. She wanted to live and she didn't want anyone else to die either. What had been this cost exactly. Could those two be... She pushed the question out of her mind, shaking her hair as she swallowed the terrible thought before it could be born. They had to be fine, they had to be safe. They couldn't have been... "Lily" Wormon called out, snapping her back to reality. The little green larva type digimon was panting heavily, having been throw back towards her by the larger monster. Candlemon was breathing heavily too, its arms dropping to its sides as the rookie level digimon seemed to double over. Everyone looked more ragged, everyone had their backs to the wall. "I don't...I could..." Lily mused to herself, looking at the wish. She could just make the monster go away. With a single utterance she could end this entire battle. But what would the cost be? Would she suck Suzuki or Wormon into this...thing? Would Lampmon come back? What was the price for these wishes. She didn't know, and that was more frightening than the monster. She had wanted to live and she was resolved now to keep on living. There had already been too high of a cost and she would make sure it wasn't in vain. She clutched her expanse caller. Everyone had always called her a coward. They were right, but she couldn't let that stop her now. She needed more power, more from her digimon and from herself. She looked at Kudamon and the girl named Suzuki. They were scared too. Yet the girl's faith seemed to keep her partner fighting. Did she have that same power? Even if she didn't.... "I want to live...I want to live!" Lily yelled as that seemed to be signal for her partners. Wormon nodded and flung itself back at the Mettarus. There was no way they could beat it alone...but maybe together... Wormon sensed it too. Standing with Candlemon, the pair of rookies shot their attacks at the monster's legs. "Everyone! Try hitting it together!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping someone would hear her and this plan would work. It had to.