Alright, after some deliberation, the judgements have been made [@ERode]'s Atzi [@Crusader Lord]'s Nylah [@VitaVitaAR]'s Seelay [@Click This]'s Lissa [@Cu Chulainn]'s Gideon [@Pyromania99]'s Vammessa Are the characters I'll be accepting. Feel free to move them all over to the Character tab at your earliest convenience. Honestly, this really wasn't easy. I considered adding a seventh but I have to tell myself no repeatedly. [@Crimson Paladin][@PaulHaynek][@A Lowly Wretch][@Guy0fV4lor] Sadly this means you four won't be joining us. I really would have liked to see shenanigans with Finnegan or the Moonpriest and Akala, or how a lazy noble or outcast Valtem might have brought and I have to thank everyone for being so eager to make a CS and work on getting a character right, but as it stands I think this would be the most fair. I'll be seeing Crimson and Guy in the storm cycle...where I fully expect Guys 5headness to come into play sooner or rather than later.