[center][color=05CBF7][i]A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Or maybe not so far away… During a routine patrol of the borders with Wild Space by the Galactic Empire’s 33rd Border Control Fleet encountered a pair of unrecognized and unregistered [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/007d9c2c-f6cf-4db7-bf14-d64c8541bd73.jpg]fighter-class[/url] ships scanning the Teth System from its outer edge. Due to reports from earlier in the conflict known as the Galactic Civil War about the Rebel Alliance designing, building, and deploying new fighters, the fleet’s Moff ordered a small group of TIE/IN Interceptors deployed to handle the assumed prototypes before the Rebellion could get them back. To the shock of everyone present, both fighters reacted quickly, with one vanishing into what the Imperials assume to be hyperspace while the other quickly reaches attack velocity. Without any attempt at communication, the Interceptors opened fire on the fighter, only to be outmaneuvered by it. The enemy fighter proceeds to wipe out the squadron of Interceptors with no discernible damage to itself, and with an unidentified weapon type, before it too heads into hyperspace, following its companion. Sending out a call to Imperial Command for reinforcements, the Border Control Fleet tracks their heading along what appears to be an unregistered hyperspace route to an unexplored system deep in Wild Space. Suspecting Rebel Activity, perhaps even the Rebel Headquarters itself, the Emperor dispatches Death Squadron, Darth Vader’s personal fleet, alongside the Imperial Fourth Fleet to finally quell the rebellion and secure a future of peace and prosperity for his Empire.[/i][/color][/center] [hr] So I will drop the rest of the lore if I can get a handful of interested players here. I bring before you a new twist to an old story. Will you join me for the ride?