[b]Viola Henderson[/b] and her children, Ben and Angela -- [url=https://i.imgur.com/xboG9j1.jpg?1]image[/url] [b]Viola's Description:[/b] [list] [*]Physical: [list] [*]28 years old; mixed Black-Latina; parents were Haitian-American and El Salvadoran. [*]34b-26-36; fit and nice looking but like a mom of two would be expected to be. [*]Naturally curly, light brunette hair, down to just touching her shoulders. [*]Light brown eyes. [/list] [*]Personality: [list] [*]Prior to the RP: [list] [*]Confident, hard working. [*]Dedicated to her family above all else. [/list] [*]After the RP's start: [list] [*]TBD. [/list] [/list] [/list] [b]History (pre-RP):[/b] [list] [*]TBD [*]She, her husband (who is a city bus driver), and her two children live in Greenville, the southern most portion of Jersey City. [/list] [b]RP History:[/b] [list] [*]They'd been in Manhattan the day of the Blackout to visit the Children's Museum of Manhattan. [*]After trouble getting home, they ended up at the home of a Docet from the Museum. [*]Viola's husband picked them up, but the Blackout occurred minutes later. [*]After 2 hours, surrounded by the rioting, looting, and vandalism, they fled. [*]On Perry Street, 3 men attacked Robert. [*]The resident of [url=https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7347062,-74.0090368,3a,75y,190.23h,104.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sn-mft47YUp2IDoFTPVFCNg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192]162 Perry[/url] saved the day with a shot gun loaded with rock salt. [*]Peter and Ginger Williams and their grandson Taylor took them in. [*]Robert was in bad shape, and around 3am, together Ginger and Taylor took him in a bicycle cart to the nearest Urgent Care. None of the 3 were seen again (so far). [*]The next afternoon, Peter headed for the Urgent Care, too. He hasn't come back either. [*]Viola and the kids stayed indoors. [*]By the next day, Viola learned that Manhattan was being evacuated. She decided that the following day, the 3 of them would leave, too. [/list]