[hider=Prince Callum Danrose] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4wMGYyZjguUTJGc2JIVnRJRVJoYm5KdmMyVS4w/conformity-personal-use.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4EWL1em.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7Hb4bxF12E]Sorrow-Bad Religion[/url] [color=079FA3][h3]Callum Alaric Danrose | 20 | Male[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [center][color=079FA3][h3]Appearance[/h3][/color][/center] [color=079FA3]Height:[/color] [color=00F8FE]5’9[/color] [color=079FA3]Weight:[/color] [color=00F8FE]160 lbs[/color] [color=079FA3]Eye Color:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Bluel[/color] [color=079FA3]Hair Length/Texture:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Short[/color] [color=079FA3]Hair Color:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Black[/color] [color=079FA3]Skin Color:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Fair[/color] [color=079FA3]Facial details:[/color] [color=00F8FE]none[/color] [color=079FA3]Distinguishing features:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Sharp angular features and inquisitive eyes. [/color] [color=079FA3]Clothing Preferences:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Although he prefers to wear more casual clothing, and in his younger days often purposefully underdressed for events, Callum has given in to dressing as expected. He likes dark colors, things that keep attention from him, make it easier to slink about in the shadows. [/color] [hr] [center][color=079FA3][h3]Psychology[/h3][/color][/center] [color=079FA3]Likes[/color] [indent][color=00F8FE]-Drinking -Creative arts -Old and dusty books -Thunderstorms -Magic[/color][/indent] [color=079FA3]Dislikes[/color] [indent][color=00F8FE]-His whole damn family -Noble culture -Himself -Violence -Rules and expectations[/color][/indent] [color=079FA3]Sexuality:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Heterosexual[/color] [color=079FA3]Hobbies:[/color] [indent][color=00F8FE]-Disappointing his father -Learning -Reading -Drinking -Studing magic[/color][/indent] [color=079FA3]Life Goals/Dreams:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Cal has never really had the space to develop real dreams, he knows what he doesn’t want, to be anything like his father, to lead the sort of life most noble’s lead. Currently, he finds himself thinking devoting his life to a religious order might be best. It would be honorable enough to keep his family satisfied, give him space to just study and learn more about what interests him, and keep him away from political games. A quiet, peaceful life, sounds good enough for him.[/color] [color=079FA3]Fears:[/color] [color=00F8FE]His deepest fear is that the streak of cruelty that runs in his family lives within him as well. That he’ll get people hurt, or worse, and that with time he will be just as uncaring to such things as those around him are.[/color] [color=079FA3][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [color=00F8FE]For a man who spends so much of his time alone, he despises loneliness, becoming an introvert more out of necessity than desire. Trust is difficult when so many would betray him to simply earn favor with his father. Close relationships are dangerous when his own father is willing to use others to hurt him. A lifetime of having to carefully consider his moves leaves every action tainted by fear and anxiety. Still, he can’t always keep his honest and outspoken nature in check. Self-control doesn’t come easily to Callum, indulgence does. He is drawn to anything that brings his mind away from his current situation. Cal puts on a show of apathy, showing no interest in power or wealth. He doesn’t care to play the types of games so many nobles around him engage in, manipulating and exploiting those around them. At his core, he has a kind nature, avoids confrontation when he can, and tries to keep a cool head and open mind. But his own family brings out the worst in him; draws out a buried temper, provokes venomous words, pushes him to seek out self-destructive behaviors. Anything to prove to himself that he is unlike the lot of them. Even while knowing at the end of the day his father is a king, and Cal can never really hope to win, he still searches for small ways to get back at the man. He is rebellious in his own way, understanding that he can’t be as brazen about it as he would like, but always looking for some way to show his disdain for everything he has. He often speaks too freely, is honest to a fault, and can be tactless and sarcastic. Violence, however, has never been something that has sat well with him, a borderline pacifist, Cal would only ever lift a hand in the direst of circumstances if it were to save another’s life. Despite this view, he finds forgiveness difficult, resents the way his own anger lashes out through his words and wishes he had an easier time letting go of grudges. [/color] [center][color=079FA3][h3]Background[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [color=079FA3]Current occupation:[/color] [color=00F8FE]The Third Prince of Caesonia, though Callum would hardly count that as an occupation, pissing off the old man, now that’s more his purpose in life.[/color] [color=079FA3]Any past occupations?:[/color] [color=00F8FE]None[/color] [color=079FA3]Relatives:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Father-King Edin Danrose Mother-Queen Alibeth Danrose Brother-Prince Wulfric Danrose Brother-Prince Auguste Danrose[/color] [color=079FA3]Skills:[/color] [color=00F8FE]Keeping secrets, basic knowledge of magic, learns quickly and has a curious mind. [/color] [color=079FA3][u]History Summary:[/u][/color] [color=00F8FE]The third-born son of the Danrose family, not destined for the crown, not even the backup plan. Callum was an extra, he was a pawn to be used in the political plans of his parents. He knew this at a young age and resented it. His parents never even bothered to hide this fact from him. Wulfric was always the golden son, a perfect heir to the crown, and everything his parents could want to continue their reign of cruelty and indifference. Auguste had what it took to be a military leader and a mind for political games. Then there was Callum, who lacked both tact and a tactical mind. A boy with a weak constitution, who abhorred violence, shied away from competition and hated nearly every aspect of noble life. Cal spent a large portion of his childhood sickly, perhaps that was first caused his father to see him as the weak link in the family. He was so unlike the rest of his family, both in action and appearance, rumors that he was not even the king’s son began to circulate. A dark-haired apathetic boy, next to two blonde, ambitious brothers, and Callum honestly hoped such a thing was true, maybe it would spare him the cruel streak that ran in the family. He never felt as loved by his parents as his brothers were, and the older he got, the more evident his father’s cruelty was, and the less Callum wanted to be loved by them. While his brothers found themselves drawn to activities like swordsmanship, Cal found himself sick at the mere sight of blood and preferred to spend his time reading philosophy or poetry. The older he grew, the more defiant he became. He took every opportunity to argue with, disappoint, and enrage his parents. If they hated him, it meant he was doing something right. Cal snuck out of the palace at every given opportunity. He would’ve traded every privilege for a simpler life away from it all. At first, punishments against him did nothing, Callum held no concern for his own well-being, but it wasn’t long before King Edin found the young man’s true weakness; the suffering of others. So now King Edin keeps his youngest son in line with the threat that some innocent Cal has come across will bear the punishment for his mistakes. Once in his youth, an entire family was banished simply because young Callum had found a friend. So, Cal had to find new ways to rebel, ways that gave him satisfaction and that were hidden from others. Eventually, he settled for seeking out the most hidden and forbidden knowledge, magic, believing that if he was discovered, his father would have no choice but to deal with him directly. [/color][/hider] [hider=Q & A] [center][u]History[/u][/center] [b]Did you grow up nurtured or neglected? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“The first time I heard that there were people out there growing up with kind, loving parents, I was pretty pissed off. Does that answer the question?”[/color] [b]When you were upset, where was your sanctuary? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“I live in a gilded cage surrounded by my father’s servants and spies, I guess anywhere I could actually be alone was good enough. Not that I really enjoy being alone.”[/color] [b]What were you like in your teenage years? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Unhappy.”[/color] [b]How close are you to your parents? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Unfortunately, I happen to live with them.”[/color] [b]Do you have any trauma that haunts you? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Plenty. Not exactly light conversation though.”[/color] [b]What advice would you give your younger self? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Give up sooner and stick to the background.”[/color] [b]Were you an obedient child or defiant? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“I was the picture of obedience. Sarcasm, obviously.”[/color] [b]What is your biggest regret? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Thinking I could get away with half the things I tried.”[/color] [center][u]Romance[/u][/center] [b]Have you ever been in love?[/b] [color=00F8FE]“No. Well, I fall into infatuation with anyone who shows me the slightest affection, but I’ve never chased after it.”[/color] [b]What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.[/b] [color=00F8FE]“Someone who has no interest in all this. But a more serious answer, trustworthy, kind, intelligent, things like that.”[/color] [b]How do you display affection? What is your love language? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“I like being helpful, doing things for other people, making them smile.”[/color] [b]Have you had your first kiss? What was it like? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Kiss and tell, are you looking for a scandal?”[/color] [b]Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Sometimes, but usually not. I think real love takes more work than that.”[/color] [b]What does marriage mean to you? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“For me, it would mean bringing someone else into this rotten family and I imagine that would be rather selfish.”[/color] [b]Are you currently crushing on anyone? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“I honestly haven’t given it much thought lately.”[/color] [b]Do you ever consider having children in the future? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Absolutely not. The world doesn’t need another set of Danrose children, though I’m sure my brothers feel differently.”[/color] [center][u]Personality[/u][/center] [b]Describe your ideal Sunday morning: [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Asleep. Or never having gone to sleep, to have spent the night before reading by shrinking candles, lost in dusty texts, with a strong drink, only to fall asleep as the sun rises.”[/color] [b]What kind of person do you aspire to be? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Free, maybe that would be enough. Then again, maybe I’d just like to feel that who I am already is enough.”[/color] [b]What bad habits do you have? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“According to his majesty, all my habits are bad ones. But my worst, that would be how easily I let it all get underneath my skin. I let my family and my father, in particular, bring out all my worst traits.”[/color] [b]If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“I would tread more carefully.”[/color] [b]What is your greatest fear? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Becoming what I hate; cold, cruel, indifferent.”[/color] [b]What are your pet peeves? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Casual indifference.”[/color] [b]When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“Alone, mostly not to burden others, and there are few I can trust when I think I might speak the truth too freely.”[/color] [b]Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue? [/b] [color=00F8FE]“I’d rather not fight at all, but, there's another bad habit, I am too careless with my words.”[/color][/hider]