[center][h3][color=rosybrown][b]Xavier[/b][/color][/h3] [color=silver] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/942951469118787624/11.png[/img] [color=rosybrown]Time:[/color] Morning [color=rosybrown]Location:[/color] Avian City [color=rosybrown]Interactions:[/color] [@helo] Orias, [@CitrusArms] Aiko, [@princess] Yuka, [@FunnyGuy] Augus [color=rosybrown][b]Xavier’s Equipment[/b][/color]: His [url=i.imgur.com/WsU5ZHY.png]sword[/url], and [/color][url=i.imgur.com/tz9UEop.png]outfit[/url][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/6L52-2xIZIsrIESL39qiEEJVpVGbv0FfkFKfSXoV870/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610970766162395360/5844379da6515b1e0ad75b62.png?width=500&height=45[/img][/center] [color=silver]Relief flooded through Xavier once their goal had been accomplished. He glanced at Orias when he spoke to him and nodded. Now wasn’t the time for questions. He swallowed hard. This was so fanatical that he had difficulty comprehending it. Soon enough they were in the captain’s estate where there were sky guards everywhere. It reminded him of back home and a pang of homesickness hit him. He brushed it aside, reminding himself he had to focus. Yuka's voice interrupted his reverie and he tried not to show his amusement. It proved difficult and started chuckling. The briskness from the captain, Argus, made Xavier almost grin. He could see King Victor staring at him and ordering him to protect Jessamine. How funny was it that they were so alike? He took several deep breaths as the challenge was ordered. He had to use his lightning again, but how did he do it without hurting Yuka? He set her down and smirked in amusement at her call to Caelestis. [color=rosybrown]”Please stand back.”[/color] Xavier reminded her and made sure she was safe. A glance at Aiko came off as a warning. He stepped forward and dressed Argus firmly, [color=rosybrown]”Yes sir.”[/color] Xavier studied his hands. He realized his power had been activated upon being spooked by Yuka. The frustration had also helped. He didn’t want to harm the others and glanced around to make sure he was far enough alone. Then, shutting his eyes, focused once more on those emotions. How he hated to be tickled; Reese had teased him often. He took a deep breath as he focused hard and felt warmth in his hands. He opened his eyes to find wisps of lightning forming, but nothing concrete. His heart began hammering like it would prior to a battle. What if he couldn’t do it again? What would they do with Yuka and the others? He couldn’t let anything happen to them! With difficulty he concentrated hard and allowed the anger to fill him. Crackling filled the silence, followed by two bolts of lightning that dented the ground on either side of him, far enough away from Orias. Xavier grinned as he stared at his creation and then at Argus with hope in his eyes. Had that been satisfactory, he wondered? He moved his hands and watched as the sparks flickered and died. Xavier bit his lip and awaited further orders from Augus while glancing at Orias and raising his eyebrows. [/color]