[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SS9Gk9X.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BC617]Time: Morning Location: Roshmi City Interactions: Yuka[@princess], Aiko[@CitrusArms], Xavier[@Potter], Augus[@Funnyguy] Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 137 amas[/color] [hr] [color=slateblue]“It is that man you have with you that requires the attention of General Maximus and perhaps even Governor Brightfeater.”[/color] [color=B7E3B6]The words spoken by Captain Verencia stuck in Orias’s mind, tangled with concern for what the Avain City would want with Xavier. Were they simply concerned with the threat a human could pose? Did they want the human for their own benefit? Either seemed a strong possibility. Rather unlikely, but still within the realm of possibility was that they could use a human to gain favor with dark elves. The Captain himself was certainly not aligned with dark elves, but those above him, those who gave orders and pulled strings, Orias had not a clue what their intentions would be nor what loyalties they held. He stuck close to Xavier the entire way towards Augus’s home. He had to keep Xavier safe, Yuka and Aiko as well. The next time Captain Verencia spoke directly to him, his words caused Orias’s veneer of confidence to crack. [color=slateblue]“Word of advice. You should probably do the talking, [i]prince[/i].”[/color] That familiar sense of dread, the crushing burden of responsibility, rushed back in through those cracks. Even Captain Verencia had buckled before General Augus Maximus, sweat visible on the captain’s brow as he winced before the wall of winged stone. This alone told Orias enough; the general would be a tough man to convince of anything. [color=1BC617][i]And who am I to speak for anyone? Incompetent. A disgrace to my family and people. Should’ve stayed dead. Should’ve actually died a century ago. We might be in real danger, why should it fall to me? Yuka was better at talking, she could probably spin a thousand different tales that could get them out of this if they would only listen to her instead. Aiko had all the charm, they were disarming in a way that easily won others over, that made others want to work with them. And Xavier, he truly held power here, magic that far exceeded most anyone in Avalia, this man could turn the tides of the war. And what do I have? A title I’ve never done a damn thing to earn. A name I am unworthy of. [/i][/color] What did he know that could help? In his youth, he paid no attention to his mandatory studies of the other cities and he retained no knowledge of Avian culture. His interactions with Captain Verencia were brief, but what he had picked up from that Avian was that he was patriarchal, stoic, and seemed to value truth. Maybe Orias could work with that, maybe the general didn’t want a convincing story or charm, and certainly, the general didn’t want lies. At this point, all he really could offer was the truth and hope that would be enough for the general. Xavier stepped forward first, enough distance between the humans and the others that what happened to Yuka was unlikely to happen again. Orias watch Xavier as he tried to plan out what he should say. The human did better than even he’d expected, showing an impressive amount of control over his magical gift, harming neither the party nor the members of the Skygaurd, and showing that his ability to control lightning was no mere trick. Orias gave Xavier a nod of approval before he stepped forward to present the general with the truth. [color=1BC617]“General Maximus, the tale I told upon arrival at your doors, was that the I, and my companions, were representatives of the Sun Elf Kingdom. That we sought allies and aid in this war. I ask your forgiveness because unbeknownst to my companions, I lied to your Captain. I hold no authority to speak on behalf of the kingdom I abandoned. Before you stands a coward of a prince, one who fled responsibility and consequences for his actions. But I am Orias Biren. My intentions are to seek allies and aid in this war, for the benefit of the kingdom I have failed to serve for too long. Dark elves now occupy Roshmi, the Twin-Headed Dragon sits upon a throne just beneath your door. The Sun Elf Kingdom does not want them there. I’m sure Avain City does not want them there. And you, are not a foolish man. You know exactly what my people, my family, have brought to Avalia. This wayward human is my responsibility, it is my family that brought his kind here. The mistakes made at your gates, are my mistakes. Despite how my family may feel about my actions, they are reasonable, they need this human, and they will meet with me. And that is how I can be of use to you. If you wish to offer any aid, I can bring your terms to my siblings, elves with more say and power than I have. If not, I humbly request safe travel away from Roshmi, and I will ensure my family hears of the kindness of Avain City, ensure that you are rewarded for it. They will know how this great city helped keep safe one of the humans with the power to sway this war in our favor.”[/color] Orias spoke with his head held high and eyes never fleeing from the cold gaze of the general. His voice cracked in places, sometimes from the shame of his past, sometimes from trying to grasp at faltering confidence, but nothing short of his best effort would do. [/color]