[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WR1ZqYUdGa2IyNGdWMkZ5WkhKdmJtVS4z/strasua.regular.webp[/img][/center] [b]Reactions:[/b] Shadow Moth [@TruthHurts22], Poison Ivy [@Crimson Flame], Horus [@Dead Cruiser], Bonesaw [@Lewascan2], Cyrus [@Randomness]. [hr][hr] The machine seemed to stare absently at the spot where Poison Ivy had just stood, briefly losing her in the haze and flames beginning to plume around...But it didn't take long. It had only missed her by a few feet, after she hastily tucked and rolled out of the blaze of the flamethrowers. With her words falling on deaf ears (so to speak), it began to turn towards her once more, the crackle of heat growing, and as a new inferno began to blossom... It found itself stonewalled. Or should I say woodwalled? While the oak wasn't exactly impervious, it held its ground against the onslaught of fire, as the crackle of burnt wood could be heard and smelt across the plains. Noting the ineffectiveness of that method, it was already changing one of its arms back to normal; likely to topple the giant oak with brute strength. However, it wasn't given the chance; yet again, the Techadon found itself bound tight, this time by overgrown, mighty branches. This wouldn't last forever, though, as the spray of flame underneath the wood bindings could be heard growing, and with each flex of its nanomechanical muscles, the oak entrapment budged and creaked with effort. It would only be a matter of time before it freed itself.... But for now, it was a vulnerable target. More pressing matters made themselves known shortly, however, as at last, a new light was breaching the blue-sky horizon; nearly double the size of the initial crashlanded invader, this looked to be a far more troublesome arrival. For Driscoll's small part, it was all he could do to brace himself before the new entity thundered onto the sea of green. The shockwave alone was enough to knock even the mightiest of the villains to the wayside; even Horus could find his footing loosened by the result, and the Forever King barely caught himself from falling and crushing poor Bonesaw. Quite literally double the size of the prior constructs, even standing head and shoulders above Horus, was the last and greatest of these Techadons. In comparison to the dark blue and harsh-steel colorations of the ones prior, this one possessed more light blue shades and stark white metal as it passed its gaze over the meatbags of this realm. And, to everyone's surprise, this one spoke. [color=00aeef]"Initiating crowd control procedures."[/color] Without hesitation, it rose a single hand skyward, launching what appeared to be a giant sphere of blueish energy...Which promptly began to rain laserfire across the plains, like an artillery bombing of hellish proportions. Dirt and grass was turned to ash as the assault continued, with the new Wardrone passively watching this turn of events. Driscoll was quick on his feet, and it likely saved both his and Riley's life; in haste he yanked her from his back, and acting as a wall between the young girl and the widespread attack, he raised an arm up, forming an energy tower shield. Even still, it was barely enough. Each blast that connected nearly caused his energy creation to dissipate, and pushed the pair further and further into the ground. At this rate....It looked like the tides had turned yet again, and not in their favor.