[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/310568770764537869/945073879225884762/text-1645393561338.png[/img][/center] A rescue mission, he’s never been part of one of those before. Well, he guesses that statement is no longer true considering their current destination. Akito must be very sad to have been separated from his family for so long. That’s why he thinks this is a good thing, to rescue Akito, reunite them, and then, “Maybe we should go for hotpot afterwards?” Kakyo suggests, “Hotpot is a good family meal.” There’s so many hot headed students in this car. Hot headed or entirely loner types. He wants to make friends with them all, but he has received many different messages. He’s pretty sure Fuyuhito-senpai is glaring at him every time he has attempted to approach him. It’s hard to tell because the hood obscures so much that he cannot tell if it’s a furrow from his actual brows or the fur lined hood. He should really think about getting a hood that fits better on his head. He’s pretty sure Minato-san thinks he’s trying to start a fight with him every time he brings him an origami piece. He might think he’s actually sending him complicated challenges through paper. He’s not sure, but he makes him nervous sometimes. Sekiguchi-senpai; Agito-Senpai probably thinks he is a puppy. He gets exceptionally close and likes to mess with his hair. But that must be because he is very lonely without his brother, so he’s fine with providing him peace of mind. The car finally stops. All this rain isn’t going to be good for his paper, it’s damp, wet and soggy. The smell of rain is pungent, the fresh earth soaking in all of the moisture. The trees breathing in all the wet air, it’s a good thing he brought an umbrella with him. Though he’s not sure how well he can hold an umbrella and fold paper. Maybe he should think about lamenting them? Waterproof bags? Wait, how would he fold them then? “I think Gojo-sensei has done his best, and we should appreciate his driving skills,” Kakyo smiles, attempting to motivate the group, “Do you think we will actually have to use curse energy?” He’s actually starting to feel somewhat nervous about this situation.