[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bBOxoRO.png[/img][/center] [right][b][color=3365b1]Location:[/color][/b] Unknown Open Field [/right] [right][b][color=3365b1]Interaction:[/color][/b][@Mintz], [@Crimson Flame][/right] [hr] Cyrus initially leapt backwards as the barrage of energetic bullets pelted the ground. The bullet trail did not go unnoticed by his fire producing canine who immediately turned from the smoldering mess it had left to defend its master. Unfortunately, it would not get there in time. In less than a second, the barrage would be on top of Cyrus even as he ran the from the attack. In some regards, he was right. One of the energetic blasts cut through his jacket and shirt, burning the skin on his side. Cyrus ducked down after the initial hit, but since none of the other shots landed, he looked behind to see what had happened. The half formed war machine had fallen, the remaining bullets firing uselessly towards the sky. Shortly after its collapse, its structure broke apart as though it was being eaten by some kind of acid. Cyrus’s attention was quickly drawn in by Driscoll who was still with the little girl, Bonesaw. Driscoll had commanded he lend aid to the woman who was also targeted by the robotic pair’s initial attack. Initially, Cyrus didn’t feel a need to have to help the woman, but given his circumstance, he sought to do as requested. Cyrus looked towards the other machine. He had ignored it after realizing that Houndoom’s flamethrower would not reach both of them, instead putting his attention to the one that melted and the spawn it had created. Only now did he realize that the flame covering the ground were not that of his Pokemon, but that of the second robot. Cyrus questioned why it would commit to such a tactic. Surely, another barrage of lasers would be enough. The ground shook as below the lady’s feet sprouted some kind of tree. She sat atop the mighty oak ike a pedestal. How she was able to command the plant-life like that of a Pokemon escaped Cyrus as he watched the battle unfold in front of him. As if they were extensions of her very being, the branches of the oak bent and swayed with the movement of the redheaded woman’s arms. In seconds, the branches had grasped the fire spitting machine, surrounding it, crushing it even. The machine struggled, but Cyrus knew it would not hold for long. “Houndoom, prepare. Get in there and use fire blast” Cyrus commanded. The black and orange fiend immediately charged forward once again. Not towards either the oak or the war drone, but to the inferno between them from the initial ignition of the robot’s flamethrowers. Without fear, the hound jumped into the roaring fire, lost behind the bright light. Then, the fire died down. At the heart of once flaming field stood Houndoom. Blackened field of ash and soot, the only flames that remained were those surrounding the canine. Blue fires flared from underneath its paws, radiating a heat not felt before now. His back to the oak, the stuggling war machine in front, heat continued to build. Its eyes glowed bright orange, visible even in the light of day. With a growl, Houndoom opened its mouth again and a ball of white fire was launched like it were a cannon. Like a blur, the fire had burned through the branches of the oak, striking close to center mass of the entangled machine. Erupting from the ball of fire was an inexplicable, but recognizable shape to those from worlds with similar countries. A three stroke symbol in kanji that translated to English as ‘big’ (大). White fire, hotter than Houndoom's earlier flamethrower burned through the machine. With the binding of the oak, it had no time to sever a limb in another feeble attempt to escape its destruction. The fire quickly started to spread up the branches towards the tree, but were quelled as Houndoom howled its eerie howl once again, claiming victory. A victory perhaps short lived. Once again, both he and Houndoom found themselves tumbling across the ground, slamming hard into the sturdy trunk of the oak tree. The second machine from the sky crashed into the fields below. It was much bigger than the others. Cyrus was too winded to do anything immediately.