[center][h3][b][i]Saoirse[/i][/b][/h3][/center] [center][i]Princess of Seanate[/i][/center] [hr] Another day where the whispering wind carried the gentle scent of flowers to the castle from fields afar where farmers tended to their livelihoods. Another day when the salty sea yielded plentiful fish for the fisherman that waited on simple boats with tackle and reel atop the lapsing waves that would wash against the serene shores. Another day where the sun shone brightly in the sky above, illuminating the kingdom of Seanate with its majestic radiance. Another day where a daughter awaited her father in the exquisite chamber where important royal meetings with the were held, so that they could come together and work on ways to bring peace and prosperity to the people of this land. Saoirse stood where she could greet her father when he would enter through the double doors leading into the hall where their advisors and court officials offered their support and various reports regarding the happenings around the kingdom. She had already read and heard all of them before they had even been gathered, and was well aware of the contents that would be discussed. Minor disputes between those that argued over the size of their pastures, business propositions and wealth distribution, resource management and tax affairs... mundane reports which Saoirse found herself both relieved and irked with. Sometimes if felt as though she were already a mother, and was constantly required to look after her hundreds upon hundreds of children that always bickered and sought her attention. As the princess, she remained calm and collected at all times, exuding an aura of grace and authority that conveyed only her strength and conviction to all of the others present. Never would she seem weak before those that she would one day rule... never again. Her ceremonial blade was belted to her waist, and she wore her beautiful attire with a certain pride - letting herself bask in the reverence she felt from all those that served her and her father. However, she only concerned herself with her father's affection, and hoped he would arrive swiftly so that she could close to him again.