[@Chris488][@marxxie] King Hanequin made his way through those double doors. He glanced around. His eyes landed on his daughter, who was standing nearby, for a moment. He gave a nod in greeting. He managed a faint smile. Then, he glanced towards the others in the room. It would seem his daughter had gathered the council and such, or so he assumed upon seeing everyone who was there. He saw all the worried looks and everything, and he began to wonder what issues there could be. They were at times of peace. No one should be fighting, or so he thought. He took a breath. The king managed not to sigh or anything. The man cleared his throat before he spoke. "What seems to be the issue, the problem if you will?" He glanced back towards his daughter for a moment before he glanced towards the others once more. Then, he continued. "May I know why you are all gathered here? Why I have been summoned to this room at this time?" The male frowned. He had a bad feeling. Bad feelings were certainly no good. Just as he was about to get answers, the animals outside suddenly went silent. That did not escape his notice. The animals never went dead silent like that. Something was wrong, was truly amiss. What could it be? He wondered that much as he made for a window nearby, in that room. He narrowed his eyes as he continued to frown. The king hoped that it was not as bad as what anything he feared. The king could handle minor problems, minor issues, within the borders of his lands, his kingdom.