As the Director spoke, Scarlett rolled her eyes at his flaccid attempt to promote his power and position over her - [color=add8e6][i]Incompetent. Bureaucratic. Typical Mage...[/i][/color] - as she ate her sandwich while the Director and Libra made their empassioned cases; against her and to her, respectively. Not a bit of it she listened to. Instead, she focused on the composition of her half-eaten sandwich. The premade sandwich was absolutely perfect on a mathematical level - the bread was symmetrical, top and bottom, the crimp was evenly spaced all the way around, and the amount of peanut butter paste and strawberry jelly puree was perfectly filled in each half of the bread cups. It was alchemically wondrous as well, as each important factor of the peanut butter and strawberry jelly were measured to end in even numbers - fats, trans fats, carbs, sugars; all bundled together in a perfectly fashioned puck, and flash-frozen in its ultimate state. [color=add8e6][i]It could not be more perfect... [/i][/color] "[color=add8e6]Though, you could be a bit bigger, but I can always eat more,[/color]" she says, finishing her train of thought aloud, before remembering where she was, "[color=add8e6]Oh, I'm sorry, you started making excuses and bringing in your lineage, so I tuned out. I've heard it all before... Time and time again...[/color]" Scarlett rolled her sandwich bag into a knot, and put it away; preparing to continue. As she did, Capricorn would speak his piece, and she'd take careful note of his statement until he said that her delivery was "subpar" - she'd remember that for a later date, when he needed something dire. She'd be subpar in her delivery, once more. She, also, ceased listening to him, as she formed a counterargument as to why her points were not subpar. However, before she could issue anything, Elise spoke up, and she paused to listem - keep notice her getting close, until she felt the elbow in her side... Elise agreed with her points of contention in confidence; the dismal state of things; the half-assness of it all - even if she was for taking up the mission at hand. Scarlett was not, but if she was forced to choose between a world without her favourite sandwiches and students to teach or the reverse, then she would save the world. "[color=add8e6]Very well. I will help save the world,[/color]" Scarlett says, "[color=add8e6]but, not for Libra nor Capricorn nor the Director. No. I'm doing it for the sandwiches I've yet to eat, and the children I've yet to teach.[/color]" "[color=add8e6]That's worth my time. Not silly ideals of heroism and teams or searching for potential lost causes and justice.[/color]"