[color=silver][indent][indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FndbiGg.png[/img][/center] [right][i]Somewhere near Mount Silver[/i][/right] [hr] “Captain! Captain! It’s not here, either!” A group of silver and gray-clad men and women who couldn’t be older than twenty, all with a pair of geodude and magninite all at their sides, hovering as the somewhat straight line of Team Core grunts made their way to a figure standing at the front entrance at the base of the mountain. Around them was chaos and anarchy, yet around this figure, who stood with their hands behind them, staring that majestic mountain. The greenery at the base and the further up you went, it was pure snow. [color=708090]“Hence the name.”[/color] The figure said, a female voice with a rich, royalty-esque tone. She talked with an accent and was admiring the beauty. Well, maybe a better way to describe it was admiring the [i]former[/i] beauty. Through her now opened eyes, all the greenery that one might remember from Mount Silver was now on fire. The pokemon center that once stood at the base of the mountain, often serving as a rest point for trainers seeking the final ascension to the highest point the Johto region had to offer, was in ruins. The attending Nurse Joy and her chansy dead, crushed to blood and guts by the whipping tail of a Mega Steelix. “Captain! Can you hear us captain?” A grunt cried as the line of twenty-something Team Core Grunts stood exactly five feet behind the captain. Their arms were at their side, backs straight, and their full attention on the [url=https://img.wattpad.com/a6261812e3e5a188da461eae1cb2e255546f92b9/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f534973376d4f72387554594777413d3d2d3835322e313561316335353664636166396562613134383734333839373939312e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720]woman[/url] who turned around. [color=708090]“Yes, yes I heard you.”[/color] Annoyed, she held out a pokeball. [color=708090]“Wrecker, return at once!”[/color] The Mega Steelix, which had now used up the temporary effects of the Steelixite, had roared as it was reduced to red light and it disappeared into the Ultra Ball that the Captain held in her hand. “Amazing! The Captain’s Steelix is the strongest!--” [color=708090]“Not quite, but very close.”[/color] She curled her black lipstick-colored lips into a smirk. [color=708090]“So the statue?”[/color] “Not here, captain! We looked and looked, but it doesn’t seem to be at this mountain.” [color=708090]“Such a shame.”[/color] She sighed, almost like she was expecting disappointment. [color=708090]“The General will be so disappointed. And you know what they’ll do to you when they hear you failed?”[/color] “Revoke my membership?” She laughed haughtily, turning her elegant gaze onto Grunt #5. [color=708090]“You wish that’s all they’d do. But c’est la vie~”[/color] She swooned down the line that created an opening for her to walk down. [color=708090]“We press on! Mount Coronet in Sinnoh is our next stop. Let us pray that, for your sake, we find what we are looking for, lest you pay the consequences with General Ore taking their anger towards me out on you.”[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HsALqjD.png[/img][/center] [right][i]Somewhere on the Sinnoh Seas[/i][/right][hr] Miki sat in her cabin on the private ferry she and a few others (allegedly) were given special passes to board. The only requirement was that they said to remain in the cabin until the ferry arrived at whatever destination she was heading towards. To be honest, Miki knew very little about who she was going to meet. The letter she received a week ago was, if she was being honest, cryptic as hell. It didn’t state who it was from, only that they’ve been watching her growth as a trainer since she started her journey nine years ago. Saying how impressed they were with her work and how proud they were to hear she had become a member of the Elite Four, but said that they needed her help. [color=firebrick]“My help? Right…”[/color] She laughed as she recalled reading that letter for the first time. The sign off was G. O. She didn’t know who that was or what kind of name they might have. The Lava Queen didn’t even know what kind of person they were. She told her brother about this letter and he said she was crazy to take this letter’s offer of “adventure and fulfillment beyond your wildest dream” at its word. It’s true, Miki has never been one to think with the right side of her head. She always went with what she felt in her gut. And you know what? As she contemplated it even now, as she was probably halfway there or somewhere close to that placement on the journey, she still wondered what this adventure could be. Miki Park has seen almost everything this world has had to offer. She’s placed top five in at least four official leagues, conquered Mount Silver and even beat the famed Red, she’s challenged Ash Ketchum in Pallet Town, though winning was another story. She’s even indulged in Trainer illustrated where she embraced her figure and took part in risque photoshoots that were very [i]hot[/i]. Miki has done it all. Shameless or not, she has reached the peak of her career as a Pokemon Trainer. So she wondered exactly who this person was to claim that they could outmatch being semi-nude in an adult magazine. “Attention VIP Passengers,” A man’s voice said over the intercom system. “We will dock in exactly five minutes. Please gather your belongings and make your way to the bow of the boat.” [color=firebrick]“I guess I’ll find out soon enough.”[/color] She was feeling a bit annoyed, but had no time to fret on that. As Miki made her way out of her room, her backpack and small duffle bag in hand, she walked along the side, seeing the sight of a ginormous island and a small port at the front center get closer and closer. She saw a massive mansion in the background, which seemed fitting to the tone of the letter. Her mind was racing with all sorts of questions, but they would be paused almost immediately. As Miki came to the bow, standing on the opposite end of it from the other side was someone she didn’t think she would ever see, especially [i]here[/i] of all places. [color=firebrick]“Okay, but what the actual hell!”[/color] Miki shouted from where she stood, making sure the ice queen heard her. [color=firebrick]“I thought this was supposed to be for VIPs only. You’re barely a P!”[/color] She declared, approaching Missy Elliot with a nasty expression on her face that was also represented in the way she fast walked. Suffice to say, things just got a hell of a lot more interesting, but not in a good way.[/indent][/indent][/color]