[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kmr93Nj.jpg[/img][/center] [color=CA6F1E]Time: Morning Location: Myriamor Plaza Mentions: Slick[@FunnyGuy], Aurora[@Mole], Sophie[@princess], Caelen[@Alivefalling], Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.[/color] [hr] [color=E0B061]The skies above Leaf shifted, no longer a peaceful clear day with few clouds and the welcoming glow of the sun. From above a horrible scene played out, a collective of identical dark creatures that were all sharp edges, horned and tailed, with glowing embers for eyes pulled a man apart. It spoke only in boasts and of violence, nothing about the strange creatures were familiar, utterly un-Avalian in every possible way. And the human, the human shrieked for mercy, and his bones popped from joints while skin tore with wet sounds until the screams stopped. Then the creature that called itself sin and Pride, laughed. Leaf gripped tightly to the reins of Champ, pulling them to keep the horse from looking up at the scene; no innocent beast should witness that. The young cat felt everything inside him turn sour, both of his breakfasts threatened to curdle back up his throat. His tail fell from its confident up high position and his hackles rose from the freight. He looked at Slick first, then Sophie and Caelan, three humans who were a combination of decent, sweet, and fun, and who had been full of joy playing in a swimming hole. They had seen this too. The creature that called itself a sin wanted those humans, all humans here, to share the same horrible fate as the man who had been torn apart. Had Aurora known of this? Was that why she insisted on keeping them all together? Why hadn’t she warned them? Did those who had left to walk the desert know as well? These sins, they scared Leaf more than dark elves could, this was something far worse than just dark elves. He, still walking with Champ, headed closer to the swimming hole, wanting to keep as close to the humans and Aurora as possible. Leaf’s eyes kept scanning through the crowds, Myriamor’s streets now filled with shocked and horrified faces, looking for anything that seemed not of this world, searching for threats. The whole war felt more real, more pressing, and he knew staying out of it was not an option. Leaf, who was neither a soldier nor a warrior, wanted to protect these humans just the same, it was the only right thing to do. [/color]