[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PRibzDC.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BF285]Time: Morning Location: Aboard The Harem Interactions: Tigerlily [@Potter], Tesoro[@Infinite Cosmos], Lizzie [@Tae], Barboda [@Alivefalling], Helio [@princess], and a rival ship and her crew [@FunnyGuy] Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry. [/color] [hr] [color=C1E9EC]As Barboda, Lizzie, and Tesoro dealt with those who had dared to try and board [i]The Harem[/i], Nym lit a cannon for the second time, this shot aimed directly at the mast of the enemy vessel. The riflemen were all dead, no enemy remained standing up the deck of [i]The Harem[/i], and aboard the other ship, was a lone dark elf locked in combat with Helio. There also remained at least one enemy below deck. Nym grabbed one of the grappling hooks from the side of [i]The Harem[/i], used his teeth to rip away the cut rope, and quickly re-tied it with rope aboard [i]The Harem[/i]. He gave the grappling hook a strong tug to ensure the knot was secured and swung it towards the other ship, locking on and tying the loose end to [i]The Harem[/i]. The lone dark elf should be distracted enough by Helio that Nym was not worried about his own attempt to board the enemy ship. But if today his luck took a turn for the worst he had no fear of the ocean below him. Upon the other ship was surely something to be gained; guns, supplies, and perhaps even a snack if he found an enemy to take a bite of. Once he finished the climb over to the enemy ship, he’d leave Helio to finish up his fight with the dark elf. Nym’s plan was to keep the grappling hook secured so that anyone else from [i]The Harem[/i] heading over had cover just in case any more enemies came from below deck on the enemy ship. [/color]