[hr][center][h1][color=SpringGreen]H E L E N[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [hider=Santeria by Sublime][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3ZeUL4fRyk[/youtube][/hider] One of the upstairs bedrooms of Chad's house had quickly been converted into a stoner's paradise. The bed and other furniture had been pushed up to the wall, the mattress covering the window. Tapestries of vibrant colors now hung from the previously-beige walls, and a crowd of teenagers sat in the middle of the room as though around a bonfire, except the bonfire was a large blue-and-yellow glass bong. Sublime played from a bluetooth speaker sitting in one corner of the room that oscillated between different colors- reds and pinks and blues and yellows. Various teens of all shapes and sizes sat in the circle, from the black-and-white Andrew Eldridge to Helen, who wore a yellow sundress with pink sunflowers on it, a literal laurel in her hair. The ringmasters of the circle of stoners, though, were clear- they were [url=https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D29376926/]Lenny Bass[/url] and [url=https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D29377404/]Bobby Sunshine[/url]. Both of them sat at the back of the circle, backs to the mattresses, and commanded the attention of the group, Lenny with his puffed afro and open-chested yellow leather jacket and Bobby with his denim vest and guitar across his lap, which he absentmindedly strummed as he watched the bong pass around the room. As Willow phased through the wall, Helen took a champion puff of the bong and released a thick grey cloud into the air, earning a high-five and a "you go sister!" from Lenny. Bobby looked up from his guitar-playing at Willow, and his face stretched into a characteristic surprisingly-large smile. "Willow!" He said with a calming cheerfulness reminiscent of Bob Ross. "Welcome to the party! It's super groovy to see you sister!" Helen looked over at Willow with an almost-as-wide smile, her head lopped over to one side and her whole body moving as though she were a marionette piloted by a sleep-deprived alcoholic. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair scattered everywhere. "Willooooooooooooow," she said. "Hey girllll! It's so good to see you!" She leapt up and ran to her friend, nearly trampling Andrew, who frowned and mumbled "Yeah, this is nothing compared to the darkness brewing in my soul." under his breath. Helen attempted to wrap Willow in a great big hug- she smelled strongly of marijuana. She then passed clean through Willow and landed in a heap on the floor, giggling manically. "Girlllll this weed is so goooooood!" she said. "You gotta try some come onnnnnnnnnn!" The rest of the circle made a place for Willow to sit. Bobby leaned back against the mattress as the sublime track came to an end and propped the guitar up on his thigh. "It's so nice having you lovely brothers and sisters here tonight," he said with that same calm voice. "It's not often that we get nights like this with so many lovely people gathered together at once, and I sure am having a groovalicious time. So now, I'd like to play a song for you all to show you my gratitude..." "Here's Wonderwall." [hider=Wonderwall by Oasis][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gvfgut8nAgw[/youtube][/hider] [hr] Titus' heart sunk in time with his ass into the couch. The piece of furniture strained under his weight and made a sort of black hole, pulling the people sitting nearby towards him. To put it into a word, Elle looked...disinterested. He had racked his brain for something sweet to say to her, some smooth pickup line or compliment, but before he could think of anything she stood up and walked away. [i]figures,[/i] he thought. Titus had never had a girlfriend. No girl in school wanted anything to do with him, and he didn't know why. Sure, he was big and a little clumsy, but didn't girls like tall guys? He drained the glass of jungle juice he was holding, dwarfed by his gigantic hand, and then got up from the couch and walked into the dining room, shoving his way through the sea of drunken teenagers. He walked past the DJ and to a full floor-to-ceiling set of windows that looked over the hill on which the Charles estate sat. Pine trees and ferns dotted the hillside as it sloped down to the suburban sprawl below. Off in the distance, he saw twinkling lights of cars whizzing past on I-97. He sighed, crushing the red solo cup in his hand, and felt sorry for himself. Some random partygoer bumped into his elbow, and Titus' head snapped around. "Oh sorry-" the girl was abruptly cut off. "Watch where you're going, small-fry!" Titus yelled. The girl jumped back, spilling her drink. "Christ," she said. "You don't gotta be a dick about it." She stormed off. Titus looked back at the window, frowning. Maybe he deserved the loneliness he felt, he thought. [hr] In the kitchen, Mateo attempted to dry the large wet spot on his crotch with an entire roll of paper towels. He rubbed as hard as he could, trying to get the stain out. halfway through, he dropped the towels and they unrolled across the floor like some kind of half-assed teepeeing. People stopped and laughed as they saw Mateo's red boxers sticking out from his half-down pants, and his face grew scarlet with embarrassment. Then Dexter entered the room and taunted him and Mateo just about had enough. "I didn't piss myself you fucking peabrain," Mateo said. "It's just water. Get the fuck off my case before I turn your nuts into jelly." As he said this, he stepped on a half-full can of Mike's Hard Lemonade, which spurted and caused him to slip. Mateo landed on his ass, now in a puddle of literal yellow liquid. The few people in the kitchen, getting beers or snacks, burst into laughter.