[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XL7Lon1.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Rune_Alchemist][@A Lowly Wretch] The soft clatter of wood upon wood drew Reinhardt's attention once more to the map upon the strategy room's table. Leaning forward in his seat, the Knight carefully scrutinizing the locations Vyrell had marked thus far. Reinhardt's eyes narrowed slightly; a finger roughly tracing a path in the air, his head tilting slightly as the edge of his lips would curl into a stiff frown. Looking up from the map he glanced toward Od, his mouth opening as if to say something-- but he shook his head, seeming to dismiss whatever thought had come to mind. Instead, his attention turned to Vyrell, [color=darkorange]"Do you have dates of when the Fomorian attacked each settlement? Evidence it was targeting anything specific in each attack? Information whether the more central areas that were seemingly untouched ever spotted it's movements?"[/color] Reinhardt slowly grit his teeth as he looked back down at the map, awaiting Vyrell's answer. Though he had yet to voice his thoughts, this fomorian's attack pattern reeked of suspicion. But before he'd voice his own thoughts, he needed to be sure he'd gotten the bigger picture-- lest his initial presumptions taint any future inquiries.