[@Izurich] Lmao. Assuming it's even Julian's harem to begin with. XD Could just as well end up being Dot's, since unlike with Julian, people may actually be aware that she's a girl early on, and thus be more likely to crush on her. Plus she's got an unbelievable number of shoujo heroine flags. Even so, Julian's in for a hell of a time if people actually do start falling for her, since as of yet she doesn't even see herself as a potential romantic interest for [i]anyone,[/i] let alone for multiple people. In her mind, it's not something that'll happen to her, since she thinks that if the truth gets out people would just hate her anyway, so since there's no chance of it happening, there's no reason to worry about it -- or so she thought. I can just see her going... "Wait. So let me get this straight. [i]You[/i] like me. You like [i]me.[/i] You... [i]like[/i] me." "Yes, that is what I said." "But... Why, though?"