[center][h1][b][i]Reflections III[/i][/b][/h1][/center] [center][h2][i]The Keeper of Keltra & Her Sisters[/i][/h2][/center] [hr] Pride had begun pacing back and forth around her sleeping kin and the Eternal Fire soon after her Mother and sisters had departed upon Skydancer with the two colossi, as her mind continued processing the time the other champions endured throughout their arduous lesson of complete evasion while she had remained incapacitated from their very ephemeral spar with their Mother. She felt confronted with indecision regarding current events and their consequences, and a combination of cheer and bitterness that threatened to rend her apart with its paradoxical pain. Given responsibility for her home and the slumbering humanity - knowing their preservation required her to act against all that would endanger them, but also knowing that the greatest danger was their affiliation with the Divine, and yet having a goddess as a mother… What was she to do? Following Homura meant relying upon faith that the path chosen by the goddess was the correct path for humanity, except Pride lacked faith and wanted truth and logic if she were to proceed much farther. The Keeper of Keltra turned her attention towards her remaining sisters, as they preoccupied themselves with their own activities, their quiet presence accompanied by the gentle melody that played throughout the vast hall with an unseen orchestra. Through their connection, their thoughts and memories became open for Pride to peer through and ascertain whether they would even understand the predicament they were in. Though they loved humanity, her sisters were never capable of imagining how much influence they had over the fate their kin would have in this world. Perhaps they could envision the immediate consequences, but the distant future remained obscured from their vision. Kindness and her Reflection stood by the small altar where the shattered pieces of Fear’s skull had been gathered, the two of them staring acutely at it, so Pride poked their minds to remind them of their surroundings. She had seen their intentions, and determined that there was just an iota of merit in their idea, but wondered whether her reticent sisters were withholding more information from her. This increasing amount of unknown elements was beginning to concern her, and Pride pondered her own plans for the future which would certainly consist of hardships and sacrifice. “We have conceived of a way to help Fear, and consider now an opportune time.” Kindness said aloud, while her Reflection repeated the words through telepathy. The odd mingling between wordless and verbal communication gave Pride an aching head, and reaffirmed her suspicion that Kindness was refraining from sharing every piece of the plan with her. Through the swiftness of their connection, Pride quickly questioned why they shouldn’t wait for their Mother to return, and was answered with her sister’s doubt whether or not they would be allowed to proceed with the plan if their Maker condemned it. Kindness never internally or externally referred to Homura as their Mother, always insisting upon only calling her their Maker. “It’s easier to seek forgiveness, rather than ask permission, or something like that.” Pride replied, still speculating why they would bother with the less efficient way of conversing when it was only them at present, until she realized that Kindness was seeking to revert to the older and slower means of speaking as part of what comes next. The choice belonged to her sister, but both decisions could be considered cruel regardless, should they proceed and so the Keeper of Keltra deliberated on halting the coming ritual. She remained silent and still as she watched Kindness retrieve half of the altar’s contents, and her Reflection claimed the other half. The two of them strode towards one of the sleeping vessels, and rested on their knees beside their kin, while Pride demurely followed. The otherworldly music of Keltra shifted its melody, participating and assisting with their concentration, through the soft and building instrumental led by a gentle voice that evoked feelings of yearning and a long awaited revelation. The shifting symbols of the Gnosis manifested on their skin, as Kindness began channeling her spirit into both the broken pieces of her sister and the slumbering statue before her. The scarlet particles that coalesced covered the vessel and swirled around the fragments of Fear, pulsed with sacred light repeatedly until a bright final flash signaled the spell was complete. Where there was once a pale and featureless statue laid upon the floor, now there was another duplicate of their Mother, that did not stir until Kindness thrust the half of Fear’s remains she possessed into the chest of this newly awakened copy. The enchanted shards seeped into the skin of their trembling sister, spreading like scarlet veins, as Kindness and her Reflection moved to firmly restrain the results of the ritual; a Reflection of their lost sister, the one that would be known as Fear II. “Please do not struggle, you are safe.” Kindness stated in her ever impassive tone. Pride carefully examined the Reflection of Fear while she sorted through her memories of when her always anxious sister had fled with Zima after being banished by their Mother. Without the connection, she couldn’t access Fear II’s current thoughts, but she found that the last thoughts the other iteration had during the escape had been rather well preserved by Kindness and Curiosity. Tapping into their minds, she felt Fear’s utter despair and hopeless devotion to freeing Zima because she believed that it was the only way to save her. Fear’s faith in Chailiss was misplaced though, the Lord of Winter being one of the more foolish among the Divine after how poorly he handled Zima’s situation in the first place, Pride told herself. “What? Why? What’s happening? Where’s Zima? Why can’t I feel any of you anymore?” Fear II hastily asked as panic took over her, but she could not move while held down by both Kindness and her Reflection. It was concerning seeing how much the two still struggled to restrain her, despite Fear II’s lack of connection to them and Charis which granted them so much more strength. Fear had always been incredibly powerful in terms of might and agility, which suggested to Pride that perhaps her sister’s strength compensated for her weaker mind. Curiosity and her Reflection approached now, the latter carrying Rowan, and the two inquisitive champions became overwhelmed with emotion as soon as they understood what had transpired. They rushed over, and there was a short skirmish where they persistently told Kindness and Kindness II to release Fear II because she was still their sister - unaware that Fear II could not hear them through the bond. While seeing the Reflection of Fear brought back unresolved grief and tension for Pride, those innocent words from the rather naïve Curiosity managed to usher forth a warmth that the Eternal Fire stoked and despite their current dilemma, the Keeper of Keltra felt herself smile. “Please accept my apology!” Kindness cried out as she embraced Fear II, her Reflection and both Curiosity and Curiosity II joined the enfold, leaving Pride to watch and tend to Rowan. Fear II’s whimpers and mumbled words were barely audible, but Pride heard through the ears of her much closer sisters - She heard the guilt and anxiety of one who had betrayed the trust of her family in order to unleash a great evil upon the Galbar, for what? The last thoughts they heard from Fear through their bond before she became overwhelmed by the madness of all that was happening during her flight was meager regret and hopeless promises that she’d heal Zima. Pride began to review the spell her sister had cast in the creation of Fear II, examining the shape and intent of the weave which connected the pieces of Fear that had been abandoned and sustained by the warmth of the Eternal Flame to the slumbering vessel. Pride was aware that Kindness had acted recklessly, for there was no guarantee that this spell would work, yet they were all fortunate that it seemed any potential issues were absent this time. Wherein she and her sisters had merely extended their essence into their chosen bodies, Kindness had directed Fear’s lingering flames into a new host, despite the majority of that flame being separated from the casting of the spell by a vast distance and lack of awareness. The Keeper of Keltra then became intrigued by the fact that this fragment of Fear’s flame had persisted, defying its own demise all this time while Kindness dedicated herself to reuniting the shattered shards with the greater whole. Based upon what she had seen so far, and this thought demanded further observations of Fear II to affirm, but it seemed that with just the barest minimum, Fear’s thoughts and memories could be preserved by sustaining her inner fire. Pride felt herself tremble when she pondered whether Mother had known this all along or not, and what that would mean considering the nature of her sisters and herself. Were they individuals, or did their Mother just see them as mobile and empowered vessels to be possessed? “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone… I just didn’t want to be a burden anymore. I thought I could help her…” Fear II confessed, and asked whether she was to be banished like her other iteration. “I don't know how to atone, but I’ll do whatever I need to. Please, forgive me.” The Reflection of Fear continued as she cried once more. All of her sisters were aware of the shame that Fear always carried with her, a self-loathing that she couldn’t conceal or overcome. Pride shook her head, and it came to her attention that perhaps they were the ones that needed to atone as well. “It has been many days since we have lost you. I… was never angry, only afraid I would never see you again. Even now, I do not know where you are; whether you are safe and staying strong, or if you have lost your way. I have sought to rectify this, and now I can find you.” Kindness said with a small yet firm smile, helping Fear II to her feet, and gesturing to the others that the Reflection needed to be introduced to. “This is Kindness the second, and Curiosity the second. More of our sisters have embarked on a journey to the north west where a war rages. Hmm... You will meet them when they return along with our Maker.” She explained, as Kindness II and Curiosity II both bowed their heads. “We’re Reflections of ourselves, but we’re still unique, I think. We’ll all keep changing, but we’ll also always be together. Desire needs a Reflection as well!” Curiosity II chimed, before her eyes began to glow with otherworldly power. All of their eyes, aside from Fear II’s, were alight with celestial clarity, and Pride could See what she was always aware existed, but had yet to truly perceive. The flames of the Galbar, all around her and ever-flowing in all directions - it swirled and gathered in colorful clouds which were surrounded by an endless sea of shimmering strings and streams. It was an overwhelming sight. Too much to immediately comprehend, but Pride was persistent and focused every aspect of her mind towards tuning out what she wanted to see from everything else. Fear II panicked, watching as the rest of her sisters struggled with their new and greater vision, unaware of what was happening. Pride stayed silent and still as she internally pondered the situation she faced: processing every piece of living essence that danced in close proximity to her, this was a massive amount of data she had been seeking; the truth and logic she preferred over blind faith, but it also forced her to realize that her mind was still too limited in its capacity to unravel the mystery of her purpose and relation here. Her body stirred, and with a simple motion of her scepter, the stone began to push and shift the ethereal flames away. Through her connection, she assisted Kindness, Curiosity, and their Reflections, teaching them how to channel and close their newly opened eyes. The lessons were quickly imparted, and a moment later they were all standing aware of their sight and fine again. Pride left Kindness to explain what had happened, while she telepathically reached out to Curiosity, suggesting that they further reinforce the scarlet stone of the fortress. It had occurred to her that though Keltra was perhaps one of the most defendable locations in the world now, Mother had repeated that it was her duty to protect it and its inhabitants. A feeling of dread festered inside the small champion, so she sought to actively work to prevent any such disasters from happening. The harmonious melody that always played in Keltra resonated with Curiosity as she began her ritual, the inquisitive champion leaping and twirling around the keep, lit with sacred flame and adorned with the mystical markings of sorcery. From her outstretched hands flowed scarlet particles; glittering cinders that seeped into the walls and foundations, enchanting them greater strength and resilience. Curiosity II watched alongside Pride, receiving Rowan and remarking upon the pulse of power that spread through the air after the completion of the ritual. “Mother asked us to protect them, so that’s what we’ll do. No matter what.” Pride silently agreed with her sister’s sentiment, while dividing some of her attention to where Kindness was explaining verbally to Fear II the nature of the crystal cluster that Kindness II held in her hands. She didn’t have to focus too much, as Kindness II was sharing the information through the bond as well, affixing the knowledge in their memories for easy access. “Once per day, after the sun has risen, through this enchanted piece of what little we have left of Fear, we can reach out to her and briefly communicate. She will hear us, and we will hear her. I do not wish for her to feel alone… before we finally find her. We will be reunited.” [hider=Summary]-Pride muses to herself, and then sees what her sisters are doing while Homura and the rest of the champions are off to Nalusa. -Fear and her Reflection create a Reflection of Fear, using the fragmented remains of Fear’s skull left behind. Fear II is born, and Pride thinks some more. -Pride listens as Fear II expresses her desire to demonstrate penitence while her sisters explain the most recent events. Immediately after their telling, all champions aside from Fear II gain the greater sight that Charis has bestowed upon them. -After they recover, Pride tasks Curiosity with helping her strengthen the defenses of Keltra, while Kindness explains the nature of the second artifact she created to Fear II.[/hider] [hider=Spirit/Prestige] Kindness, Kindness II, Fear II, Curiosity, and Curiosity II gain 2 Spirit. (+1 minimum, +1 medium) Kindness spends 12 Spirit to create a champion - Fear II. Kindness spends 12 Spirit to create an artifact - The Reuniting Crystal. This artifact allows the wielder to view where Fear/Fear II is through the Incantation of Seeing, and communicate a short message to them once per dawn with the Incantation of Sending. Curiosity spends 15 Spirit to empower the scarlet stone of Keltra, granting it greater strength and resilience. Pride gains 3 Spirit. (+1 minimum, +1 medium, +1 main) The Holy Quintet gains 1 Prestige.[/hider]