Maemion thought back to his past when the question about how he got big in Valenwood was asked. He looked out over Skyrim from the short height they were at right now before smiling and recalling the past few years. If it wasn't for his surrogate father, he'd probably be some orphan, shouting at how life done him wrong and wasting his life away with a bottle of rum. His mother was equally to be thankful to. She accepted the young Argonian in practically a heartbeat. She loved him as her own son and taught him the ways of the Bosmer as to help him blend in. The hardest choice for them to make was his renaming. He would surely stand out with his Black Marsh name. They renamed him Maemion, he loved the name and embraced it with open arms. He snapped back to reality before answering, Surani's question. "Valenwood's pretty nice if you like rainforests and huts. I wouldn't expect to find many inns, but a few imperial encampments and whatnot are sometimes around." He thought about the second question for a bit before answering. "Well, I was raised by Bosmer you see, my real parents died when I was young and a Bosmer couple took me in. I got popular in Valenwood because my first book was based off of my father, who was a hunter." He looked to the mountain to his right before continuing. "It turns out a lot of Bosmer love reading about hunting and that's essentially how I got kickstarted." He turned back to, Surani. "Anyway, enough about me, I noticed you have a mages staff, what magic do you practice?"