[center][color=c4df9b][h3]Maritza Verenna[/h3][/color][/center] Staring somewhat askance at Lady Cal for several long seconds, the naga eventually relented with an irritable groan. [color=c4df9b]Equating your actions to those of the man who sired you based on circumstantial evidence alone was out of line. My apologies, Lady Cal."[/color] She admitted somewhat reluctantly, shifting to gaze off in thought. After letting the silence hang for a minute, Mari eventually shifted back to stare down Lady Cal; crossing her arms under her chest. [color=c4df9b]"Still, I'd like to know why you chose to hire the quiet blade of mercenaries over asking for help from the hammer that we are. Because no matter what direction I approach the question from, I keep coming to the same conclusion. You believe, or know there to be, a group of traitors conspiring against the kingdom from within. After all, why else would you chose to discretely hire mercenaries over the kingdom's own knights for a threat as great as a shard of Angroron?"[/color] Maritza carefully probed and queried, closely watching the young noblewoman's body language through the slit of her visor.