[hider=Ivan Papaov] Name:  Ivan Sergerivich Papaov Age: 24 Appearance:  Stands at 5"11 and weighs 198 lbs. Pale skinned, leaner muscle build, short kept black hair, grey eyes, and clean shaven when manageable. A few scars can be seen on his legs and arms from his childhood, all from working on the farm. Faction: UEC Personality: Dry humored. Can be aloof while not deployed. When deployed tends to be hyper focused on the mission. Enjoys music and tending to his small collections of plants. Sometimes his perspective seems dark or cold. Cares a lot for his family and those he deems family. Race: Human Combat Job/Rank: Recon/Corporal Backstory: Ivan Sergerivich grew on the the garden world of Venus. The farm he lived on had belonged to his great-great-great-grandfather and had been part of the family since the terraformation of the planet had been done. He grew up raising livestock as well as various crops that were the food source for the planet as well as the whole UEC. Work on the farm was never that easy, fences needed mending, animals needed fed, crops tended, and silos filled and then emptied. Any equipment that broke needed fixed as well as possible until the next shuttle arrived with new parts, or until the temporary repairs could not longer be done in some instances. With such circumstances it was not uncommon for anyone to come home with various injuries, from simple scraps to missing fingers or limbs. Ivan had his fair share of being bitten and clawed by one of the various poultry birds the family kept, most of scars from that are one his fore arms. At the age of 12, his father started to teach him to use a firearm to hunt with as well as fend off predators and raiders. Raiders were fairly uncommon as they often went after smaller homesteads, but occasionally a small band would get it in their mind to try their luck on the Pavlov homestead. Predators and scavengers were more common and often could be more troubling depending on the seasons. Shortly after Ivan's sixteenth birthday a pack of wolves had gotten into the cattle pens and slew several of the best dairy cows. Ivan, his older brother Nicoli, and their younger sister Anya had to grab what firearms they could to try fend off the beasts. By the time the trio had gotten to the barns, the livestock were panicked by the smells of the predators as well as the smell of blood and death. Several had forced their way out into the yard as Anya had opened the door. Nicoli had taken a position opposite of Anya, while Ivan had taken a spot on top of several hay bales. As the herd animals charged out of the barn all three readied themselves to face the wild canines that had invaded their home. Nicoli had the first kill as a wolf darted out just behind one of the older cows. Ivan had the second, taking a shot at one of the larger ones that was still inside feeding on a dieing sow. Anya shot two more that were pursuing another herd animal out of the barn. Before the two by the barn could move in, four of the remaining beasts darted out of the barn, knocking Anya over and forcing Nicoli to take several steps back. Ivan barely managed to get his third shot off before one was bounding towards him. The shot only grazed the wolf and caused it to turn around and charge at his siblings. One had Anya pinned and was thrashing about in an attempt to pull her arm off. All this while she was flailing with her other arm trying to beat it's head in with a rock. Two more had cornered Nicoli but he shot one as it lunged towards him. When the other tried to do the same, Nicoli turned and hit it as best he could with the butt of his shotgun. As calmly as he could, Ivan lined up his sights to try and shoot the wolf that had his sister. With a slight squeeze the round left the rifle, striking the beast in the lower spine forcing it to release Anya from the sudden pain. Anya took the reprieve as a moment to crawl away from the conflict. After crippling the canine that had mauled his sister, Ivan quickly chambered another round and put the animal out of it's misery. Nicoli had finished off the other wolf that had cornered him and ran to help Anya. With half of their pack slain, the remaining beats fled with what small prizes they could. Nicoli had been bitten in the calf during the encounter, and Anya lost partial use of her left arm. Both recovered, though Nicoli had a slight limp from then on and Anya never fully regained use of her arm. Ivan often blamed himself for having only grazed the wolf that had charged him and injured his sister. Anya often had to remind him that there wasn’t much he could have done then, and dwelling on it did little good either. She also told him several times that she didn't blame him. That if she hadn't been knocked down she probably would have been better off and probably wouldn't have gotten injured. After several months of talking about it, Ivan eventually accepted it and for the most part let it go. Three years after that event he left home and signed up for the UEC military. His marksmanship, and keen eyesight, scores earned him a spot in the reconnaissance squad for Charlie company. He has spent last six years in the corp training and waiting with his fellow soldiers for whatever mission they are assigned to. Notes: Equipped with the standard MK. IX scout armor, semi-auto rail pistol, and the SSR-394 Magnetic Rifle [/hider]