[center][img]https://static2.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/How-Elder-Scrolls-6-Could-Make-Multiple-Skyrim-Endings-Canon-2.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=960&h=500&dpr=1.5[/img][/center] Yo, I'm testing the waters to see if anyone would be interested in a UESRPG campaign. I've been itching for a tabletop game, so I figured to try a system I used to play long ago in the past since I wanted to refresh my memory on it. For the people interested, I'm mainly looking for a small group party (maybe 3-4 at tops, anymore would be pushing it). We'll be using 1e since that's the version I had played, but also because it might be familiar to 40k RPGers since it is mostly a rehash of Dark Heresy and the lot. I want to do a RP situated during Skyrim/the Civil War since that's what everyone knows, but I have two ideas in my head right now regarding it: 1) Generic adventurer type stuff. The Jarls/military/guards of Skyrim are too busy fighting among each other to take care of the little threats, leaving adventurers to handle the work they usually would take care of. 2) A partly anti-Thalmor adventure involving an ex-Thalmor character of mine from all those years ago. Characters will be working under hire of said character to ruin the Thalmor's day. Much more action-ish, spying, prison break-ins, assassinations, etc. Lemme know which one y'all prefer and I'll see about working things out.