[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color], [color=6ecff6]Gabriel[/color], & [color=CCCC22]Jub the Peculiar[/color][/h1] [h2]Ft. The Dungeon Master[/h2][/CENTER] As the three approach the Pixie Kingdom attraction, they see a copse of oak trees sheltering a miniaturized fairground. At its heart, a hamster runs inside a tiny Ferris wheel, encircled by minuscule wagons and candy stalls. A pixie sits cross-legged in the hollow of a tree at the entrance to this realm. Upon seeing Gabriel, Brutrumukk, and Jub approach, he takes flight and greets them, "[color=bc8dbf]Hello, Hello! Welcome to the best attraction in the Witchlight Carnival! My name is Jeremy Plum, and I will be helping you into the Kingdom today! Entry only costs one ticket punch,[/color]" [color=brown]"Right then. One ticket comin' right up."[/color] Brutrumukk said before producing his ticket and offering it to Jeremy. Once everyone had presented their respective tickets, Brutrumukk spoke again. [color=brown]"So 'ow d'ya plan on 'elpin' us into this Kingdom then?"[/color] Brutrumukk asked. [color=brown]"You got a shrinkin' spell or somethin'?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Should be in one of these pockets..."[/color] the half-elf held his index finger up to the pixie, after a moment of fishing through his vest pockets Gabriel procured his ticket stub promptly handing it to Jeremy [color=6ecff6]"I really must work on organizing my belongings."[/color] he added with a sigh. Jub fished his own ticket out of his pocket and handed it to the pixie. [color=CCCC22]"Well, there is indeed a spell for that,"[/color] he responded to Brutrumukk's question. [color=CCCC22]"But from what I understand, it would only make you two about..."[/color] He took a moment to calculate it in his head. [color=CCCC22]"My height, more or less? Probably a bit taller in your case, Brutrumukk. It, err, scales based on your original height from what I recall."[/color] Jeremy doesn't waste any time punching the tickets as soon as they are presented. He answers Jub first, "[color=bc8dbf]We've got something better than the Reduce spell, Friend! Hang on just a second,[/color]" Jeremy then proceeds to fly above the trio and sprinkle pixie dust on them. He then flies to each of them and hands them a tiny vial of a potion. He informs them, "[color=bc8dbf]Drink this, and you can enter the Pixie Kingdom![/color]" He then tells them, "[color=bc8dbf]Before you enter, we encourage you to adopt pixie names! When in Waterdeep, do as the Waterdhavians do, right?[/color]" Brutrumukk took the potion offered by Jeremy and examined it as the pixie continued to speak. [color=brown]"What does this stuff do?"[/color] Brutrumukk asked once Jeremy finished speaking. [color=brown]"An' what sort o' names do pixies 'ave?"[/color] Jub scrutinized the vial Jeremy handed them and, not for the first time, wished he had access to the Identify spell. [color=CCCC22]"You said your name was Jeremy Plum, did you not?"[/color] he said to the pixie. [color=CCCC22]"So names kind of like that?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Must be some draught eh?"[/color] the bard said shaking the vial in his hand slightly, before simply shrugging [color=6ecff6]"Ah, the hell with it. Look out stomach, here she come."[/color] throwing caution to the wind Gabriel downs the liquid in the vial with a gulp. Before Jeremy could answer Brutrumukk's question regarding the potion, Gabriel drank it. For Gabriel, his mind grows woozy and there is a sudden rush, as he body rapidly shrinks down in size. Now, Brutrumukk and Jub tower over the miniature bard. Jeremy answers Brutrumukk gesturing to Gabriel, "[color=bc8dbf]As you can see, the potion allows you to enter the Pixie Kingdom. Also, since I sprinkled Pixie Dust on you, you'll be able to fly in the Pixie Kingdom as well,[/color]" He then continues to address the Pixie names, "[color=bc8dbf]As for names, yes there are names like mine. I can give you some ideas for names you can adopt,[/color]" He studies each of the trio and he points to Gabriel saying, "[color=bc8dbf]I can see him as 'Panache'[/color]" He then flies up to Jub and thinks about it, looking at the star motifs, before finally saying, "[color=bc8dbf]Jellybean Starfish![/color]" He then looks to Brutrumukk and finally gives him the name, "[color=bc8dbf]And finally...Puddlemud![/color]" Upon hearing the name Jeremy had in mind for him, it was clear from the look on Brutrumukk's face that he did not approve of the name. [color=brown]"Puddlemud..."[/color] The bugbear said. After a moment, Brutrumukk looked like he'd just realised something and laughed a little. [color=brown]"Oh I get it. Yer pullin' me leg ain't ya? Heh heh. Puddlemud. Yeah. Very funny."[/color] Looking almost comically dazed by the sudden change in everything around him, his ears popping from the pressure of becoming so tiny [color=6ecff6]"Okay that was either strong alcohol or I need to start reading labels a bit more often."[/color] adding to the hilarity Gabriel's voice sounded squeaky ahd high pitched as though he had breathed in a bunch of helium from a balloon [color=6ecff6]"Panache eh? Fittin-"[/color] he began to say when he tested out this supposed 'flight' and lifted up into the air quicker than he expected [color=6ecff6]"Wh-Whoa!"[/color] the bard exclaimed before righting himself in the air, putting a fist over his mouth as he cleared his throat [color=6ecff6]"Ahem, I meant to do that."[/color] At seeing Gabriel shrink down to pixie-size, Jub jumped off of Brutrumukk's shoulder to inspect the tiny half-elf. [color=CCCC22]"Amazing!"[/color] he said. He gently poked Gabriel. [color=CCCC22]"I've never seen anything like that. How do you feel? Light-headed, whoozy? Is it easy to breath down there? Do our voices sound particularly louder now that you're small?"[/color] He was interrupted from his barrage of questions by Jeremy's suggestion of names. [color=CCCC22]"I don't know, I think Puddlemud is really quite becoming. Even has the same amount of syllables as your real name."[/color] He frowned. [color=CCCC22]"Not sure about mine though. I understand the starfish, but where did you get the jellybean from? Is it because I'm small and sweet?"[/color] Jeremy caught onto the fact that Brutrumukk didn't like the name, and he shrugged, answering the bugbear, "[color=bc8dbf]You don't have to go with the name if you don't want to, but we encourage it. I thought Puddlemud was a good name,[/color]" When Jub asked about his name, Jeremy nodded and answered, "[color=bc8dbf]Exactly! You might be small, but I can tell you've got a good heart,[/color]" He then looks to Gabriel and he tells the group, "[color=bc8dbf]The wooziness shouldn't last too long. After the change it should go away,[/color]" Brutrumukk raised an eyebrow at Jeremy's response. Now that the bugbear thought about it, the pixie didn't actually seem like he was trying to trick Brutrumukk into calling himself something silly for a laugh. Puddlemud seriously was a genuine pixie name. [color=brown]"...I'll give it some thought."[/color] Brutrumukk reconsidered. [color=brown]"In the meantime..."[/color] Brutrumukk put the pixie potion to his lips and soon enough was himself brought down to size. He was still larger than Jeremy and Gabriel, but at the same time he was small enough to sit on Jub's shoulder now. [color=brown]"So 'ow does this flyin' stuff ya mentioned work?"[/color] Brutrumukk asked. [color=brown]"Do I just think about where I wanna go or do I 'ave to do somethin' else?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Change, my friend wha-"[/color] the wooziness wasn't as bad as the shrill squeaky voice that rang in Gabriel's pointy ears, nor was the sharp poke to his chest that knocked the wind right out of the poor bard's lungs as he crumpled over [color=6ecff6]"Poke me-"[/color] a harsh wheeze escapes his mouth [color=6ecff6]"-Harder why don't you!"[/color] on the last word he coughed a little [i]'pah'[/i] before getting to his feet. Realising he'd done more damage than intended, Jub winced slightly. [color=CCCC22]"Oop, sorry!"[/color] he said, backing away from Gabriel. [color=CCCC22]"I'll just, err..."[/color] He quickly downed the potion so he too was pixie-sized, albeit still smaller than this compatriots. He glanced around his surroundings, now much larger and grander than they had been before. [color=CCCC22]"Fascinating,"[/color] he muttered to himself, before approaching Gabriel again. [color=CCCC22]"Again, really sorry, my friend. Are you alright?"[/color] He looked the swordsman up and down. [color=CCCC22]"Didn't, err, do any permanent damage, I hope?"[/color] It seemed the bard bounced back quickly from the grin on his face as Gabriel looked up to meet his shorter friends gaze, the half-elf whose lungs seemed to be working just fine demonstrated by laughing heartily at the worry on Jub's expression [color=6ecff6]"Oh, you little bastard you. Nothing can knock me down without me bouncing right back up to meet the challenges I face."[/color] chuckling he slapped the goblin on the shoulder before getting up on his knees [color=6ecff6]"Trust me Jub I have been knocked down by worse things, and I never let it keep me down."[/color] it was true, he wouldn't be the man he was today if he let himself lay down whenever he faced defeat. He wouldn't have clawed his way out of a life of poverty had he not hoped for a brighter tomorrow, that was something no amount of hardship or trauma could take away. Jub blinked in surprised. [color=CCCC22]"Oh, err... good,"[/color] he said. [color=CCCC22]"I think."[/color] Despite his words, he looked Gabriel up and down again, as if uncertain when the man genuinely okay or just putting on a brave face. Jeremy answers Brutrumukk, "[color=bc8dbf]You just think about it. Well, wait, you gotta think about the happiest things first, and then you can think about where you want to fly. But you would have to remember the happy memories as well,[/color]" As soon as the three adventurers were ready to head into the Pixie Kingdom, Jeremy Plum points to the path that leads into the Kingdom and calls after them, "[color=bc8dbf]Enjoy your time here![/color]" Upon entering the Pixie Kingdom, the three see that this attraction is a tranquil oasis compared to the rest of the bustling carnival. The air is filled with the aroma of blackberry wine and flower blossoms. Eight brightly painted doorways are nestled in the bark at the bases of the surrounding trees. Some of the pixies that are here, seem to notice the new arrivals, and they come up to the three adventurers, bombarding them with questions, "Hey there! What's your names?" "Welcome to Pixie Kingdom! Where are you from?" "How are you enjoying the carnival so far?" The three can tell that the pixies asking questions are friendly, eager, and curious, if not overly excited. One of the pixies in the back calls to them, "Ladies, please! Give them some space and time to answer!" His question answered, Brutrumukk closed his eyes and summoned up the happiest thoughts he could think of. He thought of bloodshed and carnage. He thought of loot and pillage. He thought of clubbing a certain kenku to death and mounting its head on a spike. A frightful grin formed on the bugbear's face. And as his feet left the ground, Brutrumukk opened his eyes. [color=brown]"So this is flyin', eh?"[/color] Brutrumukk said he looked back down at the ground below before kicking back in midair like he were in a hammock. [color=brown]"Oh yeah. I could get used to this"[/color] Brutrumukk relaxed and allowed himself to drift into the Pixie Kingdom, flying lazily over Gabriel and Jub as they were waylaid and questioned by curious pixies down below. As he drifted deeper in though, Brutrumukk caught the scent of alcohol on the air. Happy thoughts of violence quickly turned to happy thoughts of drink as he willed himself to fly in the direction that the scent of blackberry wine was at its strongest. [color=CCCC22]"Happy memories, eh?"[/color] Jub muttered, rubbing his chin. Sounded simple enough. He recalled earlier today when Brutrumukk had invited him to join in the cupcake eating contest. Sure, they hadn't won, but they'd certainly had a good time. Then there'd been him and Brutrumukk saving Palasha's show and restoring Candlefoot's voice - that was definitely the highlight the day for him - and learning how to sing and act from the pair. And of course, there had been the performance during the Big Top- ... wait a minute. Hadn't all those been earlier today? During his thoughts, Jub had been slowly rising further and further from the ground, all without noticing, but this sudden realization caused him to halt in mid-air. Yes, today had certainly been quite enjoyable, perhaps the best day he'd had in a long time, but surely he had happy memories [i]besides[/i] that? He was going through his memories when he was suddenly mobbed by a bunch of pixies asking him a vaierty of questions. [color=CCCC22]"Errr, I'm Ju... err, Jellybean Starfish. I'm from Neverwinter originally and..."[/color] He paused with that final question. [color=CCCC22]"Yes, the carnival has been fun. For the most part."[/color] Keen-eyed observers would have noticed he sank slightly in the air as he answered that final question, as his mind had gone back to the earlier confrontation with the Misters, which was definitely [i]not[/i] a happy memory. [color=6ecff6]"Hm..."[/color] the half-elf now less than half sized, tapped the bucket hilt of his rapier and scratched his chin while pensively staring up into the night sky. Gabriel tried to recall specifically the moment that brought him the most happiness, then with a smile the duelist remembered the race he and the elf Aurora had taken part in. He even chuckled slightly remembering although he hadn't won, Gabriel was so happy that his companion got to do what she had set out to do. And before he realized it the bards feet were inches (rather milimeters) from the ground [color=6ecff6]"Hold on you two, it's not a rac-"[/color] he hadn't a moment to greet the trio of faerie before the sweet bouquet of wine greeted Gabriel, he hadn't a proper drink since he got to Witchlight not counting the poor amount the musician at the orchard had spared him. [color=6ecff6]"Oh, uh excuse my manners fine ladies',"[/color] his thoughts of fine spirits, the tart taste of good wine and their potent aroma drew him inch by inch from the faerie women [color=6ecff6]"I am Panache, greetings and farewell."[/color] with a curt bow the bard quickly flew after the bugbear following him towards the sweet smell of alcohol. Brutrumukk and Gabriel follow the smell of alcohol and find that it's coming from one of the small cottages in the Pixie Kingdom. As they enter, one of the pixies greets them, "Welcome! Please feel free to find a seat, and we'll serve you shortly!" Once they do, a pixie quickly flits by, serving them not only the Blackberry Wine, but also some Cucamelon sandwiches and Thimbleberry tarts. Meanwhile, a couple of the pixies seemed to notice how Jub sank in the air a bit, and they try to cheer him up. One of them speaks, "Well, there's a lot to experience here in the Pixie Kingdom! We have the Ferris Wheel, run by Biscuit, or you could ride on Pinecone the Pug," Having a seat next to his hairy comrade the half-elf raised his glass as he turned in his seat [color=6ecff6]"A toast my friend, to making happy memories and brighter days."[/color] Gabriel had a smile on his face and his free arm resting upon the table they seated themselves at, although his eyes looked thirstily at his glass. [color=brown]"I'll drink to that fer sure!"[/color] Brutrumukk joyfully exclaimed before downing the contents of his glass in one go. [color=brown]"Oh this is some good stuff! We gotta get ourselves an entire barrel! Eh booyagh!? ...Booyagh?"[/color] Brutrumukk looked around and noticed that Jub was absent from the gathering. [color=brown]"Oi oi? Where did Jub get off to?"[/color] Brutrumukk asked as he rose from his chair, taking some Thimbleberry tart as he rose. [color=brown]"Order some more wine. I gotta go find Jub."[/color] Brutrumukk told Gabriel before leaving to look for Jub. Brutrumukk's search took him back to the entrance to the Kingdom, where he found the pixies trying to cheer up a glum looking. [color=brown]"Oi oi! What's wrong?[/color] Brutrumukk called out to Jub with a small amount of concern in his voice. [color=brown]"You ain't lookin' so good. You feelin' alright?"[/color] Jub had barely any time to react before Gabriel took off, seemingly in the same direction Brutumukk had flown off to. His ears drooped slightly as he witnessed his new friends essentially abandoned him - again, sinking slightly in the air. When one of the pixies addressed him, he tried to smile as he considered the options presented to him. Admittedly, he didn't particularly feel like going on the ferris wheel without either of his companions, and while he was more interested in the concept of a riding a (comparitively) giant pug, his mishap with the dragonflies earlier caused him to hesitate. He was about to answer when Brutrumukk showed up, causing Jub's ears to perk up immediately and he slightly rose up from the ground. [color=CCCC22]"Oh, yes,"[/color] he said. [color=CCCC22]"Just wondered where you'd got to, is all."[/color] [color=brown]"Yeah... Sorry fer takin' off without ya."[/color] Brutrumukk apologized as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. [color=brown]"The excitement o' flyin' fer the first time an' the scent o' drink can be very distractin' sometimes. But I'd never be so distracted that I wouldn't notice me shoulder goblin's gone missin'. You wanna come drink with us? They serve this amazin' Blackberry Wine 'ere. Not to be missed lightly says I."[/color] [color=CCCC22]"Oh sure!"[/color] Jub said, obviously much more cheerful now, though he did quickly add, with some embarrassment, [color=CCCC22]"Err, just a warning, though. I'm something of a, eh, 'lightweight' when it comes to drink."[/color] He grinned somewhat sheepishly. [color=CCCC22]"It's probably an alcohol to height ratio... thing. Honestly, I don't know how dwarves manage drinking as much as they do, given the average dwarf isn't that much taller than I am."[/color] Unlike his surly acquaintance the half-elf drank only a bit of the wine, wanting to sample a bit of the spirits bouquet. [color=6ecff6]"Hm?"[/color] Gabriel furrowed his brow and frowned slightly at Brutrumukk as he got worked up about Jub, he understood the bugbear wanting to make sure his little buddy was okay but Jub could take care of himself! Before he opened his mouth his companion went off, and all Gabriel did was roll his eyes [color=6ecff6]"Really,"[/color] he sighed shaking his head before whistling for a servers attention [color=6ecff6]"Yes excuse me may I have two more glasses, oh to hell with it top my glass off and bring a third."[/color] he was exasperated at the prospect that his two companions attachment might split them up at less opportune times, nothing he could do but drink and try to not let his bout of incredulity to rear it's head again. The trio find that the cucamelon sandwiches and the thimbleberry tarts complement the blackberry wine well. While the blackberry wine is somewhat alcoholic, the more the three drink it, the more they find that they are not getting drunk. It seems there's enough alcohol in the beverage for it to be a 'wine', but not enough to actually get anyone drunk... The trio would then hear someone call out joyfully, "Alright, everyone! It's time again for a game of Hide and Seek! Who wants to join in?" [color=brown]"I wouldn't worry 'bout that."[/color] Brutrumukk reassured Jub as the bugbear hoisted his shoulder goblin back onto his shoulder and began making his way back to the wine cottage. [color=brown]"The wine isn't all that strong, but it still tastes pretty good"[/color] Despite the lack of actual alcohol in the wine, it was tasty enough that Brutrumukk ordered and drunk vast quantities of it upon his return. As he waited for his seventeenth round of wine to arrive, Brutrumukk began to rhythmically beat his fist down onto the table and used the singing lesson Palasha had given him to sound off a jolly drinking song. [color=brown]"I came to this place on carnival night. I shrunk meself, gained the power o' flight. Then I caught the scent o' this sweet delight. The scent of blackberry wine!"[/color] [color=brown]"I drink this wine in the pixie tree. How I love the taste o' this recipe. More of it comin' I want to see. An' drinkin' it I want to be!"[/color] [color=brown]"Blackberry wine! It's sweet and a-heady! Blackberry wine! Fer more I'm a-ready! Blackberry wine! It's sweet and a-heady! Blackberry wine! Fer more I'm a-ready!"[/color] Brutrumukk then gave a cheer as more wine arrived before promptly chugging it down in one go. When the call for those who would participate in a game of Hide and Seek met his ears, Brutrumukk grinned eagerly. [color=brown]"Count me in!"[/color] The bugbear called out as he rose from the table ready to show off how shockingly stealthy a bugbear could be. Gabriel raised the glass to his lips, knocking back it's contents as the two arrived both at first quietly enjoying their drinks in silence. Or rather it had been a quiet meal, it seemed the bugbear had an unquenchable thirst for liquor much to the half-elf's pleasant surprise. However what had Gabe almost spat out a sip of the Blackberry Wine was when Brutrumukk began an earnest drinking song and if there was one thing the duelist loved more than alcohol it was a boisterous song about alcohol. As the hairy goblinoid began to rhythmically beat his mighty fists upon the table, Gabriel began to rap his knuckles upon the wood in a sort of drumbeat tempo with the beat of Brutrumukk's fists. [indent][color=6ecff6]"Blackberry Wine! It's sweet and a-heady! Blackberry Wine! For more I'm a-ready! Blackberry Wine! It's sweet and a-heady! Blackberry Wine! For more I'm a-ready!" "Nothing like o' glass of spirit to eeeeend! An even'n o' drinking merrily with your friends!"[/color][/indent] Gabriel sang with a level falsetto to compliment Brutrumukk's deep baritone, and keep a rhythm going with his drinking partner-to-be. Finishing the song off with a high note to bring up the mood within the wine cottage, afterward the bard laughed loudly slapping the hulking bugbear on the back [color=6ecff6]"Brut, you beautiful bastard where the hell'd you learn to sing."[/color] while not drunk Gabe's inflection changed, slipping to his old habit of talking like a regular street urchin [color=6ecff6]"A game! I'll join ya too!"[/color] Jub seemed much happier now that he was back with his comrades, and with a free meal to boot! In fact, it was only when he was sat down, digging into his third (or maybe fourth?) sandwich, he realised that he hadn't really eaten much for the past few hours. Really, only the cupcakes, now that he thought about it, and most of that he had regurgitated anyway. Not to mention, it was definitely the best tasting meal he'd had that he [i]hadn't[/i] had to use Prestidigitation on. Speaking of, when Brutrumukk started singing, Jub was tempted to sing along. After all, he too had had lessons from Palasha, and was tempted to put them to good use. However, when Gabriel started singing along, he realised that there was something else he could do to add to this particular musical number, and used his favourite cantrip to create faint string and flute music to go along with their singing and percussion. Once they were done with their musical number, one of the pixies called them to play a game of Hide and Seek, and both of Jub's companions seemed eager to join in. Jub, however, seemed a little more hesitant. After all, Hide and Seek sounded like the perfect opportunity for the carnival to use its tricky fey magic to whisk one of them away, never to be seen again. However, if that was the case, he couldn't exactly let his friends participate without him. [color=CCCC22]"Sounds good to me,"[/color] Jub said, though it wouldn't take much for anyone to hear the slight strain in his voice. The song from the trio got some pixies to sing along and give a loud cheer and applause when the song finished. The trio make it outside to see some of the other pixies coming to show that they want to play in the game of Hide and Seek. The two pixies that are hosting the game call out to the trio specifically, "[color=c4df9b]Ah! I see we have some visitors! I'm Honeymint, and my friend here, the Seeker in this game, is Starbug![/color]" Starbug gives a wave, and calls "[color=fff79a]Hello![/color]" After some others join in, Honeymint calls, "[color=c4df9b]Alright everyone, everyone knows the rules, but let's go over them just in case! The rules are simple, don't let Starbug find you. Everyone must find a new hiding spot every round. A new round begins when Starbug finds someone. The game will continue until Starbug finds the last hider. That last hider is the winner! Is everyone ready?[/color]" After everyone gave a cheer, Honeymint calls out, "[color=c4df9b]Alright! Let's begin! Start counting, Starbug![/color]" Starbug turns and begins to count. The pixies fly off to find hiding places. Honeymint looks to the three of them, and she whispers to them, "[color=c4df9b]I know you're new, that's why I'll help you out a bit. Biscuit's wheel, or Beatrice's nest, or the Flower Bed are great places to hide![/color]" She then flies away to hide herself. In the time it took Honeymint to round on the trio, Brutrumukk had already vanished without a trace. Despite their size and seeming lack of wit, bugbears were masters of stealth and possessed a great deal of cunning. Together, they were an unexpected pair of skills that bugbears always relished in using to surprise friend and foe alike. And so, nested within the densest foliage of the Flower bed, Brutrumukk waited and lurked. Surprisingly, the flowers in this bed spoke with the refined voices of dignified older ladies. This bothered Brutrumukk slightly, as the voices reminded him of the annoyingly proud and pompous nobleman that once tried to boss him around. However, he was quick to note that the sound of argument the flowers were having was drowning out what few noises he made in his hiding spot, so the bugbear was content to let them have their row. Brutrumukk, with Jub on his shoulder, easily made it to the Flower Bed and found a good hiding place. There was only one problem. The wildflowers around them were bickering amongst themselves. Their elderly female voices echoed around them, "Violet, you cannot be serious! Of course it is I who have the silkiest petals and finest aroma of all!" "Oh, don't be so full of yourself, Rose! I have a unique color, while there are so many other red flowers in existence!" The flowers continue to argue amongst themselves, while Gabriel heads to Beatrice's nest. He sees that Beatrice is an awakened heron, and she talks about the weather with him. After making this small talk with her, he asks her nicely, and she lets him hide in her nest. Starbug first found the other pixies first, before he begins the search for the trio. He first finds Jub and calls out for everyone to hear, "Ah ha! I found you, Jellybean Starfish!" Brutrumukk, luckily, was hiding and out of sight while Starbug approached Jub and kindly led Jub back to the center area of Pixie Kingdom, before beginning another round. Next he searched Beatrice's nest, and before he could call out, Gabriel decided to try an unconventional hiding method: Pretending to be an egg. The tall, thin, and somewhat muscular and lithe half-elf, sits and curls in on himself. Starbug looks at him from above and he could be heard calling out, "Ah ha! I found---Wait a minute...Never mind! That's just an egg," After Starbug searched there, he took off to continue his search elsewhere. This gives Gabriel a chance to change tactics and hide in Biscuit's wheel. He finds that the hamster, Biscuit, is quite talkative, and only quiets down when given food. Meanwhile, Brutrumukk has remained hiding in the Flower Bed for the entire time. When he sees Starbug, he lies down and pretends to be a pile of mud. He does so just in time, as he can hear Starbug from above, "Violet..Rose...Poppy...Ah! Is that--? No. No...That's just a pile of mud," He then continues to search. After a little while longer, Starbug finds Brutrumukk in the flower bed, and he calls out, "Ah ha! I found you!" After leading him back, and Gabriel hears that the game is done, Starbug and Honeymint congratulate Gabriel, "Congratulations, Panache! You won Hide and Seek! Here is your prize!" They hand Gabriel a packet of pixie dust, with two leaves as the propeller blades. Rather than follow Starbug to the center of the Kingdom once he was found, Brutrumukk elected to return to the wine cottage instead. Shortly after Gabriel had been awarded his prize, Brutrumukk walked out of the cottage with a large barrel of wine with a hole punched in the top of it. After taking a moment to chug down a third of the barrel's contents, Brutrumukk moved to re-join the others. [color=brown]"The hour's almost done an' we ain't really done much to make folks 'appy in that time"[/color] Brutrumukk said to his compatriots, though mostly to Jub, once he found them. [color=brown]"I'm thinkin' we go find Candlefoot next, see if 'e's got any idea's on 'ow we could bring the smiles, yeah?"[/color] Jub's ears drooped slightly when he was spotted and it took all his strength not to give an apologetic glance in Brutrumukk's direction. However, he wasn't too upset, and once he and his compatriots reunited, he just looked relieved that none of them had been whisked away by the Carnival. [color=CCCC22]"Funny how we managed to spread cheer so much easier when we weren't trying to,"[/color] Jub said in respond to Brutrumukk. [color=CCCC22]"But yes, going to see Candlefoot sounds like a good course of action."[/color] [color=brown]"Right then. Candlefoot it is."[/color] Brutrumukk said before collecting Jub and placing his shoulder goblin back on his shoulder. [color=brown]"Let's get movin'."[/color] With that said, Brutrumukk moved to make his way to the Hall of Illusions, but paused when he noticed just how the carnival seemed a lot bigger than he remembered. After a moment, Brutrumukk realized that he was still shrunk. [color=brown]"...'Ang on a moment."[/color] The bugbear said. [color=brown]"We're still tiny. 'Ow do we get back to normal?"[/color] After offering both Honeymint and Starbug both a curt bow, the half-elf whose smile had been bright all the while he engaged the two fae in brief conversation it faded as soon as he turned. Gabriel was no braggart nor was he a show-off, thus while he thanked the two fairy for the generous reward he had noticed out the corner of his eye the bugbear without pausing left towards the cottage with Jub in tow. [color=6ecff6]"Hold on a second you two."[/color] instead of the usual friendly nonchalance that carried from his tone, he had a bit more seriousness in his voice overhearing Jub's comment about their work [color=6ecff6]"Now I may not know either of you that well but I can say for sure that sort of attitude is not the kind I've seen thus far."[/color] his brow was furrowed, planting a fist at his hip as he looked between Jub and Brutrumukk [color=6ecff6]"We made plenty of merry people, that song was a hoot. We needn't try to spread cheer, because we have."[/color] At Brutrumukk's question, Jub surveyed his surroundings as if he too had only just noticed they hadn't returned to normal size. [color=CCCC22]"That, my friend,"[/color] he said. [color=CCCC22]"Is a very good question."[/color] Before he could start thinking of a solution to their current dilemma, Gabriel caught up with them. "I suppose you have a point," Jub responded. [color=CCCC22]"I suppose after helping Palasha and Candlefoot earlier, I expected we'd be doing, well..."[/color] He gestured wildly with one hand as he tried to think of what he saying. [color=CCCC22]"More of that, I suppose. More helping people. It does seem that this carnival, for all its colour and theatrics, has a lot of problems, does it not? What with that Kenku causing trouble, all the disappearances and the Mister's patron going missing."[/color] As soon as Brutrumukk and Jub started questioning how they go back to normal, and thus, thinking about it and desiring it, they feel a tinge throughout their bodies. They come to realize that they are starting to go back to normal size, and they need to hurry out of the Pixie Kingdom in order to not accidentally do any damage. Once out, they are their normal sizes once again. [color=brown]"Whoa! That's good timin' I suppose."[/color] Brutrumukk commented as they began to grow back to their normal size. [color=brown]"Let's beat it before we break somethin'"[/color] With that said, Brutrumukk led the way out of the kingdom before stopping to let himself fully grow back to normal. [color=brown]"Right then."[/color] The bugbear said once everyone was back to normal. [color=brown]"Next stop, Candlefoot!"[/color]