[quote=@DirtyDingo] [table][row][cell] [color=gold]ICHIKA UCHIHA [/color][/cell] [cell][color=gold]“Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute.”[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQs-gf70-IGh9a7QIe18XZ6pE5BVM6-oyAZSg&usqp=CAU [/img][/cell][cell] The concentration and strain present in the cloud-nin's posture was highly apparent, his muscles flexing and tensing as he spoke his reply; the jutsu seemingly requiring a great deal of effort to maintain. "I will... try to buy us time..." He had responded with a grunt and a nod, prompting Ichika to respond in kind, despite having not even looked back at Botan. The others likely didn't notice, as the back of her crimson armour was turned to the majority of them, but the Uchiha's eyes squinted and were strained with pain. Without so much as another word, the maiden of the Uchiha broke into full sprint off of what would have been the bow, had they been aboard any ordinary vessel. But with a great leap from the head of Katsuyu, Ichika began focusing her chakra into her toes, landing in sprint on the water's surface at almost the maximum speed her natural physique would allow her. She did not enhance her physicality with her now relatively limited reserve of chakra as all shinobi ordinarily would. No, she knew that in order for her gambit to pay off, she would have to be meticulous with the expenditure of her chakra. One miscalculation. One missed step, and she would fail. The ebbing flow of the oceans waves began to rustle and hasten, becoming more violent by the second as the woman ran ahead, closing in on the shore, her crimson visage like a streak of blood as she broke into full sprint. But moments later an enormous wave erupted from the surface, it was obvious to even an untrained eye that this was no natural occurrence. As the wave soared and climbed in height, Ichika closed in on what she could only assume was the combined jutsu of multiple lower class shinobi. Seconds before the mighty wave was set to collide with the Uchiha kunoichi, Ichika readied her wakazashi, and pooled an amount of chakra far greater than one would ordinarily use for such a simple technique as a nin-jump into her feet and lower legs. With a deafening roar and an upwards thrust, Ichika propelled herself directly into the mighty wave. The increased force provided by the chakra jump allowing the point of her blade to break the surface tension of the wave, and for her body to cleave it's way out to the other side. With a tuck and roll in mid-air, Ichika flipped herself forward, instantly crossing her fingers and forming the seal for the shadow clone jutsu. In a puff of smoke, a physical apparition of the Uchiha jonin appeared beside the real one, and although this would be a heavy tax on her remaining chakra reserves...what she had remaining would have to be enough. he pair then landed feet first upon the back of the now monstrous wave, which was headed directly for the rest of the assault party, and slid down onto the now comparative flat of the ocean, continuing their charge. The duo then began making serpentine movements, crossing over each others pathways numerous times as they advanced; in the same manner a conman with dice in a cup would in order to fool his victims. The speed at which the paired Ichikas repeatedly switched sides was awe-inspiring, allowing them to both evade incoming fire, of which there was plenty. But also to successfully cause the defending rogues to lose track of which Ichika was the real one. A storm of arrows, kunai and jutsu had begun to target the pair, demonstrating that the defenders were at the very least beginning to focus a significant portion of their fire upon the two women. In response, without any notice to the other whatsoever, they both began to weave seals, too fast to tell for what jutsu specifically, but it was clear that they were not the same series of motions. One of the kunoichi surged forward in a straight line even faster than the two had already been moving, and the other dived under the water's surface. The two became like Yin and Yang as one made landfall onto the beach, and the other crept her way ever closer to the underwater shoreline. As she made contact, she activated her 'Hiding in Earth' jutsu, and began the peculiar shift of swimming in water, to swimming through land. Meanwhile above the surface, the Ichika whom had now made landfall slammed her hands into the ground and conjured forth a wide wall of earth from the sand. Creating a hefty area of cover for her comrades behind her, whom would surely not be too far behind now. [I]It had worked. Now, the rest...was up to the other one...[/I] [/cell][/row][/table] [/quote] The