Yup, that's the title I'm going with. Real eye-catcher, isn't it? I wasn't sure if coming here searching for fellow fans would beat any fruit, but I've haunted this place long enough, so I might as well take the initiative and take the stage; [i]yes[/i], I'm looking for someone to roleplay some MLP with me. I have a few worlds I've developed (through pain and sweat) and I would [i]love[/i] to put them to use. The issue is finding myself a partner with the time and motivation to... Run something like that for me. I'm not a GM, and I make for a poor partner in all reality. I was brought into roleplay as a player, as an explorer, as the lieutenant to my captain. I want somebody to drop me into a world with secrets and intriguing characters. I want my textbook hermit to come out of his shell and get smacked in the face with a double dose of love when some crazy girl crashes into his life. Or maybe I'm playing an adventurous filly who looks up to her experienced elders and says "I wanna do that" and promptly dives into the first dungeon she finds. I want action! Adventure! And I want all of it consistently, multiple times a day, with as perfect grammar as you can muster. Because I'm a clingy, lonely f*ck with standards that are way too high and an inmate resistance to changing with the times. ... Anyway, that's my rant/ad, and my first one here! Please, if anyone thinks they can satisfy my needs, do not hesitate to contact me. Whatever ideas you've got in mind, we can totally work something out.