Hey all! This is just an update on the direction of this RPG. I'm going to give our current round one extra week, since I know that some collabs are on the way and some people are busy with life until the weekend. I've got a few points of consideration below that I think should be covered: 1) We've had a lot of very long posts and I think we need to reel these inn unless they're collabs and they're going somewhere. I'll be doing the same. I don't want anybody to feel the pressure to post a novella each time. One or two paragraphs are fine. Post in response to somebody. Post with a simple description of your character's thoughts, actions, or surroundings. Don't feel the need to take on a high burden. 2) After the current day's events (one or two more rounds of posting), we're going to be doing a bit of a time jump and there will be an event that brings all PCs together for a more linear plot progression. Basically, you're all going on an adventure! 3) From people who haven't posted yet or for at least three weeks, I am going to ask that you post this week or you'll be considered inactive. We're going to be going to some very interesting places soon and things will quicken and shorten up, so I need to see that you're on board and ready. Here's hoping that you all are. Happy posting!