[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/MHTqPcBC/image.png[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=b71d5d]Location:[/color][/b] Dining Pavilion [b][color=b71d5d]Skill:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] Andy nodded. She'd remember everything so she could tell Mads and Niah later. She frowned and then a smile burst onto her face. Officially she was the Head Camper of the Zeus cabin so she had to make the vote. We'll she'd have to do that before they left for their quest. [color=b71d5d]"Let's go put in our vote and then I'll find Aunt Mads and let her know what Chiron said."[/color] She told Arthur. [color=b71d5d]"Do we need to go to the Big House or think we can just tell Chiron here who we vote to be the go-between?"[/color] She asked uncertain. [color=b71d5d]"And who do you think it should be? I can think of some hard no's."[/color] If this person was supposed to work with the Romans she knew someone like Cassian was a bad idea. [center][hr][hr] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/K8QvVB52/image.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] Beach [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] [hr][/center] [b][/b] [color=0080ff]"You're one of my best friends. You matter more to me in the whole world than anything else. I would defy the gods for you."[/color] Niah said seriously. [color=0080ff]"I will not leave you behind."[/color] She placed her hand gently on Nancy's back now that she was sitting up. It was more than unfair what was being asked of Nancy. This was abuse. Pure and simple this was torture. She had never been so mad at the whole situation before. Niah wanted to save New Rome she wanted to protect Nancy and Mads. And everything felt so far out of reach. So impossible. She was ready to abandon saving New Rome if it meant she could protect Nancy and Mads. Forget the city. Her friends were more important. Even with that a part of her knew how selfish that thought was. She knew that thousands relied on New Rome and abandoning it was unjust. But her heart was drifting away from it.