[@Rezod92] [color=ed1c24]"Hey! Its you again? Seriously? Fate really has a weird sense of humor huh?"[/color] Mordred said strolling past her master up to Berserker. She looked Fran dead on with a rather serious face before it turned mischievous. [color=ed1c24]"Alright I'll let it go this time you hear? I don't remember much about it but I know when I'm looking at someone who's hit me hard enough to knock me on my ass. Not many people can do that!"[/color] Saber said as she gave Berserker a wide grin. [color=ed1c24]"Hey! you with the silly looking hair cut! You're her master so make sure she keeps up with me out there got it? No slacking off."[/color] Mordred says ignoring the comments in return for hers as she strolls back to her own Master as if she didn't do anything [color=39b54a]"You know you can show some tact..."[/color] Leon admonishes her as she rolls her eyes and pats him on the shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Don't worry about it master. Besides you'll get use to it."[/color] Mordred says as she clangs her sword against her armored body and awaits the summons of the other servants. [color=39b54a]"Hey Archimedes how does Mordred remember that anyway? Aren't they blank slates?"[/color] Leon asked as the caster servant shook his head. [color=ec008c]"Chaldea is a singularity itself. Servants here have displayed a knowledge of previous grail wars when called upon here. Its a side effect of us being protected against dangers that would otherwise effect us. After all we serve as protectors of humanity."[/color] Archimedes stated flatly as he looked over to Mordred with some annoyance who returned a glare at him. [@Enkryption] [@The Irish Tree] Mordred looked towards the conversation that Lancer was having with his master, and started to more forcefully tap her sword against her armor as their face twisted in annoyance. [color=ed1c24]"I can tell already those two are going to piss me off. Talking like that like I'm not right here."[/color] Mordred grumbles as Leon groans deeply, [color=00a651]"You're going to be a pain in the ass aren't you?"[/color] Leon said as Mordred frowned at him this time and the glance made Leon correct himself, [color=00a651]"What I MEAN is that you're going to complain about everything aren't you?"[/color] Leon said as Mordred shook her head. [color=ed1c24]"Hell no, what do I look like? Tristan? I'm going to beat up everything that gets in our way. Only good thing about this summonings is that I don't need to worry about some dumb grail. I mean its awesome to get your wish, and all, but at the same time, this time I get time to relax, and I don't need to worry about you dying constantly. I get to fight a bunch, I get to eat some new foods, and I get to fight some more what's there to not want?"[/color] Mordred states loudly. Leon was at the very least content to know Mordred operated on a very thug like system of war, food, and more war. At the very least he wouldn't need to drag her heels when he needed them the most. However when the next servant came her visage was much more confused, and generally unsure about the new arrival. A teapot caster? What the hell was that? Fucking Shakesphere was a caster, this one was just a hot water heater on legs. Still she tried not to complain knowing that Leon had already called them out on that possibility just a moment before hand. The girl, and the kettle at least got along well...still if they flooded the area with water that'd make moving around in heavy armor a pain in the ass. Luckily she was a servant now, and that made the whole effort a lot less effort consuming. As Orson watched the last of the summons go by The Director spoke up, [color=00aeef]"All good additions to our collection, a strong lancer, a competent berserker, and a useful caster class servant will make for a well made party. Long range will be an issue. If at all possible prioritize rescuing Helena, and her master first. Her spells will make an excellent addition to this formidable party." [/color] Orson said directing the group's attention to him momentarily. [color=00aeef]"I want all of you to understand each other. If you need a moment to talk, and collect yourselves I will provide this brief moment. Afterwards we will prepare for Rayshift duty in the coffins. Once you're ready please inform Leon so that we may get ready."[/color] Orson spoke to all of them as if he was just a simple manager getting the employees ready to work through a hard day at a shopping mall rather than saving the lives of Team A, and possibly the foundations of human society. Still Leon couldn't help but wonder if he was just trying to maintain some sense of calm himself. He was probably stressed out especially after the conversation with Scarlett.