"Oooh, free dirnks? Don't mind If I dooo~" Brandy cheerfully and melodiously half-sang as she took the offered potion and glugged it down as if it were ale at a tavern... But, y'know, served in a glass flask. And non-alcoholic. And tasting like cherry. And a different color entirely. Regardless! After imbibing the non-alcoholic restorative draught, Brandy let out a content 'Aaah~', followed by a suprised 'Oh~?' as she again massaged her busty bust, but this time more to confirm that the pain from earlier had actually disappeared. Once convinced that her chest was no longer the victim of friction-burns, Brandy's ears began to twitch happily and her little tail became stiff and started to wag. "Al! This is 'mazin'! You could like, 'totes sell this and rake in the big bucks. You could call it.... Hm, lessee... 'Al'sCherry-Pop'!" Brandy beamed with pride at her suggestion... Probably not entirely aware of the implications... Then again, it was the satyress' penchant to make dirty jokes, so perhaps she actually was fully aware of what she was suggesting. "Anyway, me and Sofers gonna go get her a stylish choker. Mee'cha back at the gate we came into town through, yeah? Sweet, let's go Sofers! We're gonna bang those shops so hard they won't even be able to walk straught!" ... Completely irrational metaphores aside, the satyr grabbed her undead ally by the wrist and did not wait for a 'yay' or 'nay', proceeding instead to drag the poor girl along at her bouncy, excitable and energetic pace. [color=magenta]"OooOOOOOOOoOhhhhHhhhhHHhhhhHhh....!"[/color] Oh yeah, [i][b]him[/b][/i]. Yeah, he's still on the ground, in a fetal position, holding his family jewels. Still in pain. [i]Moving on.[/i] Brandy effortlessly and unimpeded bounced through the streets of Gnarlton's commercial district, Sofia in hand. There were some times when the undead would have to pull the satyr off of things like stall crates, wagons, a horse's back, the window-sill of an open window and so on and so forth. There were many surfaces of elevation around, and Brandy seemed determined to stand and survey her surroundings from each one of them. Paying of course no heed to the angry and outraged people who became the victims of her need-to-stand-on-things. But, with a little effort and a lot of patience, the two girls eventually arrived at an area where boutiques for clothes could be found. The first store they enteed was a place called 'Burlap Bargains'. True to it's name, the outside was just as drab as the shop's inside, and the contents and wares faired no better. Gray and brown. Baggy and wrinkly. Ugly and uncomfortable. This was the sort of clothes and wear that the lowest of low wore, the paupers and bottom-feeders of spciety. Those who couldn't afford to spend money on fancy duds or extravagant threads. Naturally, Brandy was not shy about voicing her disconcent at the shop, the goods and staff's lack of enthusiasm. Unsurprisingly, both Brandy and Sofia were comedically booted out of the front door in a matter of minutes. After the satyr was done rubbing her shapely posterior, she proceeded to hurl insults and angry words at the store-front, before sticking her tongue out and making a 'thhhpppppppppt!' noise, then pulling Sofia along. "C'mon! Let's go to the next place. Not like that shop knew the difference betwen fashion and sacks of potatoes anyway, right? Maa-haa-haa~!" Brandy concluded. Their next stop was a, to some extent, more well-off locale. This place had a little sign outside and actually sported curtains in the store window. 'Frugal Fabrics' was the name, and inside the door satyr and undead came! Looking around at this ... Moderate... Establishments, two things became apparent at once. For one, this was a shop that sold used and previously owned clothes. Second, the staff weren't very good at their job, as many of the garments had been repaied by having large patches of non-matching fabric sown over holes and tears. While this was an accepetable solution if one was skilled at the art of tailoring, these particular offerings looked as if they'd been fixed by unfocused and unenthused children. Naturally, Brandy made sure to loudly and clearly make this fact known, as she looked over the various pieces of clothes with a scrutiny befitting a fashionista. One quick boot to their collective rears later, Sofia and Brandy were one again back out in the streets. Rubbing her romp again, another cavalcade of insults and nastiness was hurled at the unappreciative store and their staff. Puffing her cheeks out and snorting, Brandy looked over at Sofia. "Well, it wasn't like they had any chokers or scarves there anyway. 'Sides, all their stuff like somethin' a little kid made. Ain't no way two beautiful babes like us would be wearin' any o' that, right? Let's hit up the next place." Brandy unilatteraly declared and decided. Next on their journey was an average-sized store with the name 'Smiling Seamstress'. Unlike the previous two places, this actually looked like a well-to-do store. Not only did the yhave proper decor and fixtures, but they even had displays and the staff acutally approached the two girls as they entered, asking if they needed help. After explaining in so many ways taht they wanted a neck-garment for the palest of the two, they were led to a very small section of the store, where an equally small selection could be found. Unfortunately, the colors available were of lighter tones, such as yellow, green, aqua, pale blue and milky pastel pink. Brandy wrinkled her nose and inspected the various pieces, holding them up to and against Sofia's neck, from various angles, over and over. Finally the satyress inquired if there were ay other colors, to which the answer was 'no'. Apparently warm and bright colors was the 'in vogue' at the momet In Gnarlton, which menat dark or cold colors were out. Outraged, Brandy begana long and passionate monogloue about how fashion was a personal thing and just following trends wasn't any way to make people look goood and technobable. After this, the two were politely ushered out of the shop, firmly but forcefully. "Maaaaan~ I can't beleive those guys. You'd think a store that sells clothes would have some sense of what faashion's all 'bout, right Sofers? I mean, c'mon, if everyone just wears what's [i]in style[/i] right now, everyone would end up lookin' the same! Where's the fun in that? Jeez. Forget it, let's just head on over to the next spot, yeah?" Not waiting for an answer, the undetered beige-haired beauty began to bound towards their next boutique. This time, at the end of the current street tthy were on, they happened upon an establishment far larger than the previous three. This one had many fancy and elaborate decrotions and details, though in some ways they were also gaudy and excessive. The gilded sign with cursive writing said 'Golden Needle', and from the looks of the displays in their window, this place had a vast selection. Bursting through the door, the duo was greted by prim and proper staff, wearing uniforms and acting very polite and professional... Alsmost to the point of being stiff and mechanical. After explaining what they wanted once again, they were led to a shelf along the back of the store, where many neck and head-wear could be found, including hats, neckties, scarves, mufflers, chokers, ear-muffs and more. However... "... You guys serious? I mean, not that this hairband ain't cute, but like, that's a four-digit price-tag, my guy..." [color=Yellow]"Yes, madame. But as you can see, this hairband is experetly woven and crafted from the finest materials by a skilled artisan who--"[/color] "Yeah, but like... It's... A hairband, my dude. I don't think my pa' had to pay this much when he bought a wagon for our farm." [color=yellow]"Your... Farm...? Ah, aha, I see... Yes, well, perhaps the wares in our store are a bit out of your price-range. Perhaps the two of you ladies would be better served at some place like, oh, I don't know, the Bargain Burlap or some-such."[/color] "Hey! We already went there and they lile, 'totes didn't have any chokers or nothin'." [color=yellow]"Hardly surprising. Still, I'm afraid that we only offer the finest slection at premiere expense. This is a reputable and highly regarded establishment after all."[/color] "Huh, ya think? Feels like this here be the sorta place where them uppity more-money-than-sense people come to buy overpriced merch if ya ask me." [color=yellow]"... Yes, well... Ahem, is there anything else? I'm afraid if you aren't going to buy anything - or can't afford to - I'm going to have to ask you and your companion to leave."[/color] "Wha-!? But we just got here! And we haven't even looked at the chokers yet, bub!" [color=yellow]"My apologies, madame, but givne your... Mannerisms... I sincerely doubt that there is anything within our store that you could actually afford."[/color] "Huuuuh!? Wha's that 'spose to mean? You sayin' we ain't allowed to look around just 'cuz we dun have big fat gold-pouches strapped to our hips?" It appeared that Brandy, unsurprisingly, was gettting into yet another argument with the staff. Although granted, this particular man was being quite snooty and condescending, looking at the girlas as if they were penniless beggars who had walked inside the shop to seek shelter from the elements, or something along those lines. Nevertheless, unless Sofia intervened in some way, this trip was also likely going to end up resulting in the two being tossed out without managing to purchase anything.