[hider=Laser Sword will come later][list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Abigail Hood [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 19 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83876967]Obviously, she's not Japanese.[/url] And at 184cm... well, Abigail finds the local notion of a tall woman quite amusing, to put it mildly. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] It would be easy, from her manner of dress and demeanour, to come to the conclusion that Abigail is... well, a gentle pushover. Maybe someone a bit too exuberant at trying to make friends, but more of a calm background voice in a crisis. This is half true; she [i]is[/i] very calm in a crisis--or as a magical girl. But very much in a dominant, "[i]someone[/i] needs to take charge" type of way, her bearing all "Protecting People Is a Duty". That also tends to show through if dealing with bullies. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Abigail is talented with languages and looking after dogs. She's also rather good at mathematical problems... in the more complicated sense, since her mental arithmetic often leaves something to be desired. If frivolous spending of money on friends was a skill, it's also one of hers. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] A British girl from a wealthy background, Abigail nevertheless had high potential as a magical girl. Unfortunately, she wasn't the [i]only[/i] one in the area... which, obviously, wouldn't be a bad thing most of the time. Except for the part where this lead to two girls who mostly lived in the countryside having to contend with a comically small number of Shades. She was, however, willing to take suggestions from where to go for higher education from a fairy and narrow it down to locations that [i]would[/i] make some sense to travel abroad for--and thus wound up in Tokyo. Of course, arranging to bring your dog with you makes things a bit more complicated, but it wasn't like she wanted to leave her behind [i]anyway[/i]... [list][*][u][b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/70240936]What changes is less colouration and more a surprisingly notable change in size.[/url] It's kind of like ageing backwards, and she doesn't have a clue [i]why[/i] that is. It still leaves her taller than most of her Japanese peers, though. [*][u][b]Concept:[/b][/u] King [*][u][b]Archetype:[/b][/u] King Arthur [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Abigail's abilities are, obviously, tied to the items and skills typically associated with King Arthur. Of course, as a [i]starting[/i] point, this only leaves her with two, and one of those via a loophole: [list][*][u]The Sword in the Stone:[/u] The sword that Abigail currently uses and a wonderfully straightforward piece of equipment. It's a sword that magnifies the force of its impacts more and more the longer a fight drags on--but it can also be damaged, and it doesn't get any tougher as this happens. She's quite concerned about what would happen if it were to break, as Abigail has the idea that it won't just be [i]fixed[/i] next time she transforms. [*][u]Cavall:[/u] A hound with the strength and speed to bring down magical boars, Abigail [i]can't[/i] summon it (or its compatriots)... but she [i]does[/i] happen to own a dog herself. The result, then, is that Lucy transforms alongside her. Although, actually getting to the fighting if they were separated is a matter of some time. She also seems [i]vastly[/i] more intelligent than a normal dog in this state.[/list] Passively, of course, as a magical girl whose archetype is so physically inclined, she's [i]also[/i] reasonably physically advantaged. And knows how to [i]wield[/i] the sword. That would otherwise be quite the problem.[/list][/list][/hider]