[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Sigil] Update is updated. I do hope that I have provided enough interesting and diverting things for the party to involve themselves with while still pursuing the investigation, more or less. I have made a couple of announcements in the Discord about changes made to this RP, and in part (for anyone else keeping up with our grand adventure) some of that will be revealed here. The status for the Avonshire campaign has changed from FULL to APPLY. While this is not a first come, first serve thing, I will give the initial option to those who have already gone through the application process, meaning, invitations will be sent over the next couple of days. Anyone else who in interested must go through the process detailed at the start of this OOC. Slots are very limited. For the present group of players, per usual hit me up via direct message or in the Discord for questions, clarifications, or for rolls. Merry Adventuring.