[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/t4YLj1RS/Aladia-Banner-V2.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/gJ8pPxsF/Instruction-in-Kingmaking-Logo-Large.png[/img][/center] [indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/xdmhXWzL/ST-Premise.png[/img][hr] [i]Every 100,000 years, the lush and beautiful world of Adamah is gradually reduced to an endless ocean of sand, heralding the beginning of a great race to usher in a new world order. Kings and their empires—existing as grand circular city-states—pledge allegiance to a new god or goddess slumbering inside a divine labyrinth housed within their cities. Those who manage to present a Writ of Kings before their god is bound to a sacred duty: journey to the opposite end of the world and find the Last Oasis—hallowed land of gods—wherein their patron deity will remake Adamah according to the vision of the successful sovereign. And that ruler shall henceforth be crowned Sultan: king of kings, and their dynasty shall last for 100,000 years until the next cycle. Alas, this is a competition, for all manners of kings will compete to be the first to find the Last Oasis. In carrying out this lengthy mission, alliances will form and wars will be waged to determine the most worthy of kingdoms. But a king alone will not change the course of their destiny, they must appoint four Lords—their most trusted and powerful allies—to help guide them and the empire onto the path of victory. With assistance from gargantuan creatures known as Godbeasts, the kings and their chosen lords navigate the wide, open world in their moving cities toward their goal. The flamboyant pirate Suleiman arrives at a partially abandoned city—long fallen as an empire—with plans to find the god residing within the city's labyrinth. With a Writ of Kings in his possession, he seeks to establish the kingdom of Aladia and join the great race. But first, he must seek willing allies for his ambitions... A grand, world-spanning, fantastical adventure begins here![/i] [indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3x6J3zsg/ST-World.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent]⬦ This is an Anime-style RP, first and foremost, so all aesthetic choices should be made with that in mind.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ What was once a beautiful planet with a diversity of biomes has been transformed into an endless desert sea due to some ancient magic shenanigans. This cycle happens every 100,000 years. Adamahn recorded history tells us there have been at least four cycles before. There are many pockets of oases spread throughout the world but other typical bodies of water are basically nonexistent. This is a high fantasy world that utilizes magic and martial weapons. Early blunderbusses and flintlocks exist as well as cannons for city defense. Humans are the predominant sentient race and I have no current plans to introduce other races but, if you have ideas, don't be afraid to go for it.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ Kings—with the help of their chosen four lords—rule city-state empires with the ability to move about on the sand sea thanks to being pulled by massive [url=https://i.postimg.cc/g0FyntRZ/godbeast.png]Godbeasts[/url] that swim underneath the sand. Every city is circular in its general layout with infrastructure built upon a massive foundation that doubles as the city walls. While our main kingdom of Aladia is essentially Arabian-themed, other kingdoms can vary wildly in their aesthetics and culture. Each city also contains a labyrinth where a god or goddess resides.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ A god's ultimate goal is to recreate the world once they're brought to the Last Oasis. After which, a new god will take their place in the empty labyrinth to await the next 100,000 years. The patron god of a kingdom is its primary source of magic (known as Miracles). Individuals possessing the blood of ancients (regardless of class or status) are granted the ability to channel Miracles once a god awakens. Another important source of magic are Regalia: sacred treasures imbued with latent Miracles from gods present and past.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ You can create any character you want as long as it doesn't break any established lore and the character must be part of the Aladian empire. I am looking for players to fill the four main roles of the kingdom's Lords. Details of the roles will be listed below. Note that a lord's combat prowess is independent of their role. Other than that, you are free to make other types of citizens for the kingdom as well. Just ask if you're unsure of an idea. [list] [*][b]Lord of Law:[/b] Responsible for the legal and diplomatic ventures of the kingdom, and ensures it runs smoothly on a daily basis. [*][b]Lord of War:[/b] In charge of all military and defense-related sectors as well as keeping the public peace of the empire. [*][b]Lord of Gold:[/b] Oversees the economic prosperity of the kingdom as well as its spending activities. Finds ways to fund the empire. [*][b]Lord of Stone:[/b] Manages all construction, upkeep, and city planning that is deemed necessary. Also in charge of general husbandry for the kingdom's Godbeast. [/list] When it comes to magic, Miracles can exist in a variety of ways that would fit a high fantasy setting. Because of the Anime nature of this RP, I encourage you to think creatively in how your character's magic is presented and used. Be sure to keep thematic consistency however! A character with a hodge-podge assortment of magic (unless it's intentional) will likely be disregarded.[/indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Sxz7QbX4/ST-Aladian-God.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/hGHnwL91/Gods-Banner.png[/img][/center] Help choose the god or goddess that will be representing the kingdom of Aladia! If you're interested in participating in this RP, note your interest down below and mention which god you think our empire should help win the race to the Last Oasis. Here are a few details regarding each candidate: [indent][indent]⬦ [b]Leodegrance of the Sacred Flame:[/b] God of purifying fires, conquest, metalwork, and hooved beasts. A handsome god with features both human and animalistic in nature. His calm persona hides a quiet ferocity underneath, and is considered quite wise. His third eye grants him true sight, and he is able to burn away all deceit and reveal all truths. He deftly wields a giant seven-branched sword. Is is said that he will recreate the world by weaving raging infernos and great firestorms to melt the world of sand into glass, revealing the way forward to constructs of the future. The sacred flames that he creates will not harm humans, plants, or animals.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ [b]Anetha the Barefoot Goddess:[/b] Goddess of war, dance, eternity, and flowers. She is a giant who is typically represented as being at least 100 feet tall. She is serene and mysterious, as well as gentle and motherly. With every step she takes, flowers bloom in her wake. She leads armies into battle by dancing; shaking the enemy's resolve with her tremoring steps. It is said that she will recreate the world by growing so tall that her outstretched hand can pierce the heavens, and she will then dance across the world for 100 days and 100 nights, covering the earth in new greenery.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ [b]Myris the Lunarian:[/b] Goddess of crystals and precious gems, water, moon phases, and scaled beasts. A crystalline goddess that can fit in one's palm, she is believed to have come from the moon and is half fairy and half dragon. She is reserved and timid, preferring to hide herself behind a large crystal droplet. Her tears can heal all wounds and her aura gives off a soothing presence. It is said she will recreate the world by calling upon showers of rain that shine like gems to wash away the sand and, in its place, will be fertile soil.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ [b]Zu-Alzif the Blind God:[/b] God of light, absolute law, and time. This red-skinned, mechanical god has no eyes. He is devoid of emotion and favors logical approaches to things. He teaches science to the devout. He is able to grow four additional arms, a second head behind the first, and wields a variety of weapons and treasures. It is said that he will recreate the world by bathing it in warm rays of light from the heavens. The sand that is touched by the light will revert in time until it's erased from existence.[/indent][/indent] [center]「 Questions, comments, or concerns? Please let me know down below. Thank you! 」[/center]