[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220401/99aa7ca8d03d3c5e2c743e5e8000069c.png[/img][/center] [hider=EQUARISH] (English) This tongue spread south along with the arrival of Sharaq and his following. It originated far to the north beyond Tawr and - as the unifying language of a growing faith - was carried across the winds to the surrounding lands and even beyond. [/hider] [hider=URKUN] [b]WORDS[/b] [b]Alat[/b] - Man/Mankind (Humans) [b]Ard[/b] - Earth/Land [b]Arhanphast[/b] - (The) Great Father [b]Ayira[/b] - Elements [b]Amnhi[/b] - “Forgive me” or “pardon me”. An apology. [b]Armil[/b] - Sand [b]Bamal[/b] - Camel [b]Bary[/b] - Wild. In the context of the wilderness. [b]Da’[/b] - Lost [b]Eum[/b] - Blood [b]Fasyr[/b] - Sword [b]Habah[/b] - Fire [b]Hir[/b] - Air [b]Isran[/b] - Horse [b]Lite/Lites[/b] - Born/been born [b]Maea[/b] - Yes [b]Manudhe[/b] - Forsaken [b]Muhawar[/b] - Wares/Goods [b]Nisek[/b] - Die [b]Ulate[/b] - God(s) [b]Umurud[/b] - Emerald [b]Un[/b] - No [b]Wanah[/b] - Water [b]Wazahanir[/b] - Traveller/Explorer/Journeyman [b]Zahn[/b] - Sand [b]PHRASES[/b] [b]“Layk aenash!”[/b] - Curse/Swear [b]”Hlahna!”[/b] - Hello/Greetings! [b]”Arhanphast eanu kum!”[/b] - Great Father curse you! [b]“Arhanphast behru kum.”[/b] - Great Father bless you. [b]“Ulate eanu kum!”[/b] - Gods curse you! [b]“Ulate behru kum.”[/b] - Gods bless you. [b]”Awhrifaraw.”[/b] - Farewell/Journey safely. [b]”Yabahdeid!”[/b] - Leave me/Go away! [b]”Mekunaha.”[/b] - Thanks/Thank you. [/hider] [hider=TAWRISH] [b]WORDS[/b] [b]Bahet[/b] - Elements/The Elements [b]Bitshi[/b] - Man/Mankind (Humans) [b]Beriit[/b] - Wild/Savage(s) [b]Casar[/b] - Horse [b]Heb[/b] - Earth/Land [b]Honh[/b] - Whore/Prostitute [b]Huit[/b] - Lost/Forsaken [b]Isameh[/b] - Sword [b]Jit[/b] - No [b]Jerteh[/b] - God(s) [b]Khul[/b] - Air [b]Kimah[/b] - Camel [b]Lhat[/b] - Fire/Flame [b]Mehpit[/b] - Slave [b]Mwat[/b] - Die [b]Sahi[/b] - Sand [b]Sarin[/b] - Desert/Sand realm [b]Smeta[/b] - Liar (You are a liar.) [b]Whut[/b] - Water [b]Wis[/b] - Yes [b]Zelhesh[/b] - Blood [b]PHRASES[/b] [b]“Cha haket!”[/b] - Curse/Swear [b]”Hede/Hedes!”[/b] - Hello/Greetings! [b]“Maatrho phet uhn!”[/b] - Maatrho spit on you! [b]“Maatrho wenbet besu.”[/b] - Maatrho’s blessings (unto you). [b]“Mebrohn.”[/b] - Farewell (A pleasant goodbye.) [b]“Pah hret!”[/b] - Fie/Begone/Leave me now! [b]“Sahnat.”[/b] - Thanks/Thank you. [b]“Sarin tik uhn!”[/b] - Sands/Desert take you! [/hider] [hider=BANEGHORAN] [b]WORDS[/b] [b]Agaa[/b] - Fire [b]Ahava[/b] - Wind [b]Ahil[/b] - No [b]Bhegistar[/b] - Desert [b]Haratee[/b] - Earth [b]Hoyee[/b] - Yes [b]Huda[/b] - Horse [b]Katir[/b] - Blood [b]Kopas[/b] - Soul/Spirit [b]Manar[/b] - Die [b]Meesathir[/b] - My Lord/Master [b]Panna[/b] - Emerald [b]Onta[/b] - Camel [b]Rayaa[/b] - Foreigner/Outsider/Savage (Negatively) [b]Tahanee[/b] - Water [b]Tativa[/b] - Element/The Elements [b]Tert[/b] - Sand [b]Vartaal[/b] - Sword [b]PHRASES[/b] [b]“Tanaalt hia!”[/b] - Curse/Swear [b]“Mastiam!”[/b] - Hello/Greetings! [b]“Enaapa mataa kopas!”[/b] - Curse your soul! [b]“Bideeu.”[/b] - Farewell (A pleasant goodbye.) [b]“Jaavaalet!”[/b] - Begone/Leave me now! [b]”Krishukya.”[/b] - Thanks/Thank you. [b]”Manari eela taa!”[/b] - Death to you! [/hider] [hider=BARYAKIN] [b]WORDS[/b] [b]Amamor[/b] - Gods/The Gods [b]Et[/b] - You [b]Himr[/b] - Camel [b]Kyrm[/b] - Sword [b]Metsor[/b] - Elements [b]Neitr[/b] - Fire [b]Odstor[/b] - Water [b]Om[/b] - No [b]Psiha[/b] - Die [b]Quets[/b] - Earth/Land [b]Sabar[/b] - Man/Mankind (Human) [b]Simr[/b] - Yes [b]Snlei[/b] - Sand [b]Wizh[/b] - Air [b]Ysah[/b] - Horse [b]Zutr[/b] - Blood [b]PHRASES[/b] [b][/b] [b]”Amamor nkpit et!”[/b] Gods curse you! [b]”Bhwai!”[/b] - Hello/Greetings! [b]”Iyaweh.”[/b] - Farewell. [b]”Nkpit!”[/b] - Curse/Swear [b]“Tet verima!”[/b] - Go away/Leave! [/hider] UPDATE: This will be added to in time.