Twitching and nervous, the snout of Rodendramon swept the ruined streets, clinging to the relative cover of battered buildings and piled debris. Wire whiskers flicked and probed, as their whip like tail lashed in agitation. It would have been much faster to fly, but their wings clung to their back, desperate not to call any undue attention. Using their metallic claws to burrow through the earth would supply them with more cover, and a more direct path, but any haste that could be made would make them painfully obvious from the air, and risk them veering off course. So, the lithic Mega paced and probed, making their way after those allies that had gone ahead. [hr] About half way there, and Rodendramon froze. A sensation like a high pitched squealing cut through their entire body. The acrid musk of powerful Virus Digimon overwhelmed their nose, Rodendramon's already lock-step mind bombarded with dread. As the moment passed, a sharp anxiety pierced Rodendramon's heart. Armor clanking, they broke out into a mad dash, claws gouging the pavement below as the guard over their teeth opened. A hellish assault was bearing down on the group. Rodendramon couldn't make it in time. They'd barely be able to draw one ally out of the epicenter of the attack. The ground began to splinter around the rushing beast, cracks racing ahead in an arc against the bay. [h3][b][color=007236] Jade Palisade![/color][/b][/h3] Pillars of jade began to erupt from the earth. Each higher than the last, they raced forward. In a desperate climb, they reached towards the sky, a vervent attempt to offer their distant allies some form of cover.