[center][img] http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/f/fd/Danny_Phantom_logo_2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20160108034228[/img][/center] Tai [@Martian] Asta[@XoXKieroBombXoX] Ben [@Mintz] Terra [@Dead Cruiser] A lot off stuff had happened in a small space of time. Apparently, the paradox engine they were in was a space station. It also existed outside of space and time, but Danny wasn’t interested in the specifics of what that meant. Danny’s eyes went wide at the fact they were in a space station, and he got excited. [b]“Did you say space station? Oh my gosh, I’m actually in space? I always wanted to be an astronaut! I saved the Earth from a meteor, never actually left the planet.”[/b] Terra tried to mess around with the power source, causing Terra to get shocked. Danny giggled, not at Terra getting shocked, but at her response to being called a simple lifeform. Honestly, Danny wished Ben would turn back into a human. That crab thing was starting to get irritating with its big words, and bragging about smart he was… It was then decided that they would all go their separate ways. Before Ben left, he handed Danny a second copy of the map of this place. Danny returned to his human form, and placed the map in his pocket. Then more people started to arrive. All of them confused as Danny was when he first got here. With Ben leaving to assist Bruno, it was on him to explain what was going on. Even though he didn’t really get it himself… [b]“Ok look, long story short, we’re in space… kinda. No clue why we’re here, but it looks like we’re gonna be stuck here a while.”[/b] Danny sighed saying that last part. He was just going to have a date with his girlfriend. Why did he have to get dragged into this mess. Danny walked over to two of the new arrivals. The boy with the orange dinosaur looking thing, and the gray haired boy with a sword and a book. They both talked about going to the Luncheon Room. [b]“Listen, we probably should investigate that testing ground, but… I was going to have lunch before I got sent here, and I’m hungry. May as well see what kind of food a space station has. It can’t be any worse than the stuff at the cafeteria at school. I’m Danny by the way.”[/b]