[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Bb3JhVbH/Main-Title-Banner.png[/img] [indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qRTf0Crd/ST-Rules-Small.png[/img][hr] [b][i][color=#c9a320]1[/color][/i][/b] All Roleplayer Guild Rules apply. [b][i][color=#c9a320]2[/color][/i][/b] Use general RP etiquette (no godmod, powerplay, etc.). [b][i][color=#c9a320]3[/color][/i][/b] Be respectful of other players and keep personal drama out of the RP. [b][i][color=#c9a320]4[/color][/i][/b] As the Host/GM, I have final say on all decisions relating to the RP. [b][i][color=#c9a320]5[/color][/i][/b] One character per player. You can create unlimited NPCs. [b][i][color=#c9a320]6[/color][/i][/b] One post per week (minimum). Please let us know when you can't post. Communication is important! [b][i][color=#c9a320]7[/color][/i][/b] Color code your character's dialogue. Make sure it's distinct from other players' colors. [indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/GpY0ZxZQ/ST-Premise-Small.png[/img][hr] [i]Every 100,000 years, the lush and beautiful world of Adamah is gradually reduced to an endless ocean of sand, heralding the beginning of a great race to usher in a new world order. Kings and their empires—existing as grand circular city-states—pledge allegiance to a new god or goddess slumbering inside a divine labyrinth housed within their cities. Those who manage to present a Writ of Kings before their god is bound to a sacred duty: journey to the opposite end of the world and find the Last Oasis—hallowed land of gods—wherein their patron deity will remake Adamah according to the vision of the successful sovereign. And that ruler shall henceforth be crowned Sultan: king of kings, and their dynasty shall last for 100,000 years until the next cycle. Alas, this is a competition, for all manners of kings will compete to be the first to find the Last Oasis. In carrying out this lengthy mission, alliances will form and wars will be waged to determine the most worthy of kingdoms. But a king alone will not change the course of their destiny, they must appoint four Lords—their most trusted and powerful allies—to help guide them and the empire onto the path of victory. With assistance from gargantuan creatures known as Godbeasts, the kings and their chosen lords navigate the wide, open world in their moving cities toward their goal. The flamboyant pirate Suleiman arrives at a partially abandoned city—long fallen as an empire—with plans to find the god residing within the city's labyrinth. With a Writ of Kings in his possession, he seeks to establish the kingdom of Aladia and join the great race. But first, he must seek willing allies for his ambitions... A grand, world-spanning, fantastical adventure begins here![/i] [indent][/indent] [indent][/indent] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4xjkLSFy/ST-Archives-Small.png[/img][hr] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/q7LfJvvh/Aladian-Flag.png[/img] [i]「 Flag of the Kingdom of Aladia 」[/i][/center] [hider=PATRON DEITY][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SKqFbMkb/Anetha-Banner.png[/img][h3][color=#677ede]ANETHA[/color][/h3]The Barefoot Goddess[hr] [i]Goddess of war, dance, eternity, and flowers. She is a giant who is typically represented as being at least 100 feet tall. She is serene and mysterious, as well as gentle and motherly. With every step she takes, flowers bloom in her wake. She leads armies into battle by dancing; shaking the enemy's resolve with her tremoring steps. It is said that she will recreate the world by growing so tall that her outstretched hand can pierce the heavens, and she will then dance across the world for 100 days and 100 nights, covering the earth in new greenery.[/i][/center][/hider] [hider=WORLD INFORMATION][indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ This is an Anime-style RP, first and foremost, so all aesthetic choices should be made with that in mind.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ What was once a beautiful planet with a diversity of biomes has been transformed into an endless desert sea due to insidious ancient magic. This cycle happens every 100,000 years. Adamahn recorded history tells us there have been at least four cycles before. There are many pockets of oases spread throughout the world but other typical bodies of water are basically nonexistent. This is a high fantasy world that utilizes magic and martial weapons. Early blunderbusses and flintlocks exist as well as cannons for city defense. Humans are the predominant sentient race.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ Kings—with the help of their chosen four lords—rule city-state empires with the ability to move about on the sand sea thanks to being pulled by massive Godbeasts that swim underneath the sand. Every city is circular in its general layout with infrastructure built upon a massive foundation that doubles as the city walls. Each kingdom can vary wildly in their aesthetics and culture. Each city also contains a labyrinth where a god or goddess resides.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ A god's ultimate goal is to recreate the world once they're brought to the Last Oasis. After which, a new god will take their place in the empty labyrinth to await the next 100,000 years. The patron god of a kingdom is its primary source of magic (known as Miracles). Individuals possessing the blood of ancients (regardless of class or status) are granted the ability to channel Miracles once a god awakens. Another important source of magic are Regalia: sacred treasures imbued with latent Miracles from gods present and past.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ Labyrinths are magical sanctums and the resting place of gods between world cycles. Because of the immense magical forces present inside of labyrinths, their layouts and geometry can shift at will, making their interiors much larger than their outward appearances. Space and time, and the general laws of physics can differ wildly within individual labyrinths. And perhaps most dangerous of all are the malicious magical creatures that can reside within one. Although incredibly dangerous, the reward for exploring labyrinths are often riches and treasures abound including Regalia if one is fortunate enough.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]⬦ To awaken and form a covenant with a god, the King candidate must be in possession of a Writ of Kings: an ornate golden scroll whose commandment is written in blood from a previous king. The blood that is used must also be that of the ancients—a quality that allows the channeling of Miracles. Even then, there is a hidden unknown factor that must be satisfied before a god can wake. So even those with the bloodline of a previous Sultan may find themselves unworthy of awakening a god.[/indent][/indent][/hider] [hider=KINGDOM DEVELOPMENTS][indent][/indent] [center]「 Here we will track important developments for the kingdom. 」[/center] [b][color=#c9a320][sub]⬦ E N T R Y I[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Currently, the Kingdom of Aladia has yet to be established. The ruined city which will become the new empire has lost its previous rulers along with most of its citizenship. It is now partially occupied by a mix of the descendants of the old empire, vagrants, and a number of unsavory characters. It's a harsh environment where only the strong and desperate survive. Food and water supplies are often scarce, forcing the citizenry to venture the dangerous sand sea in order to hunt for supplies. Behind the scenes, a bandit group known as the Black Scorpions control the city. Meanwhile, the labyrinth is left forgotten due to its notoriously dangerous reputation of claiming the lives of many treasure hunters and opportunists who dare wander inside.[/indent][/hider] [hider=GODBEAST][indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/g0FyntRZ/godbeast.png[/img][/center] [indent]Gargantuan creatures of unfathomable strength, resilience, and speed. Fully grown, their body lengths can range anywhere from 400 to 900 feet; with heights of 100 to 500 feet when standing on all fours. Despite the huge discrepancies in their sizes, any full-grown Godbeast is capable of pulling cities with their impossible strength. Although they appear predominantly reptilian, Godbeasts also feature characteristics of mammals such as the heavy presence of fur and the ability to birth live young. It is unclear the origins of these beasts but they do possess lifespans of tens of thousands of years. They can hibernate for long stretches of time by secreting a dark liquid from their skin which will harden into a tough, rocky shell to protect them as they sleep. Godbeasts filter feed by swallowing massive amounts of sand and special organs in their bodies will separate anything nutritious from waste. They require very little water relative to their insane body size. General Godbeast husbandry consists of giving them the appropriate amount of daily water and cleaning their bodies of any lodged debris or wounds to avoid complications. They are incredibly intelligent and gentle creatures, typically behaving very aloof to everything around them. They instinctually seek out areas where oases may appear but, to control one, cities are equipped with huge systems of sounding horns built deep into the foundation to signal directions to a Godbeast through the vibrations created by the horns. Attached to the front of a city wall are giant chain links that are fastened to metal and stone harnesses which can be worn on a Godbeast to allow one to pull a city.[/indent][/hider] [hider=LIST OF KNOWN KINGDOMS][indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/N01NYJbd/Nations-Banner-V1.png[/img][/center] [color=#e21b1b][h3]KINGDOM OF ALADIA[/h3][/color][hr][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ P A T R O N D E I T Y[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Anetha the Barefoot Goddess[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ S O V E R E I G N[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Suleiman Suweijah[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ L O R D O F L A W[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Unknown[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ L O R D O F W A R[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Unknown[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ L O R D O F G O L D[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Unknown[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ L O R D O F S T O N E[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Unknown[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ N O T A B L E F I G U R E S[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Unknown[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ R E G A L I A[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]Aldaw Sahid; Mu Mudada; Ring of Procession[/indent][b][color=#e21b1b][sub]⬦ D E S C R I P T I O N[/sub][/color][/b] [indent]TBA[/indent][/hider] [center][sup]You can read the Interest Check thread for additional Out-of-Character Information - [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5347342]LINK[/url][/sup][/center] [indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/DZd9zyf4/ST-Character-Sheets-Small.png[/img][hr] [sup]*** Feel free to format these sheets to your preference ***[/sup][/center] [b]P L A Y E R[/b] [pre] [center][Anime Picture Here][/center] [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] Name: Role: (Your character's role within the kingdom.) Age: (18+) Gender: Date of Birth: (No year) Height / Weight: Crest: (The location of a magical crest upon your body. Appears when using powerful Miracles or as identification of your allegiance. Aladia's crest is that of a golden lion head.) Profile: (A combination of personality and history.) [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b] Equipment: (Any notable equipment should be listed here including Regalia. A name, optional picture, and detailed description of the item's abilities should be included when listing a Regalia.) Abilities: (List any and all non-magical abilities here.) Miracles: (List any and all magical abilities here, and include detailed descriptions of how they work.) [b][u]Parameters[/u][/b] (This is purely character flavor and is not related to any dice mechanics.) Resilience: ? / 5 (Your physical defenses and healthiness.) Strength: ? / 5 (Your physical strength.) Speed: ? / 5 (Your physical speed and agility.) Wisdom: ? / 5 (Your mental acuity and knowledge.) Technique: ? / 5 (Your martial skill level and skill with weapons.) Miracles: ? / 5 (Your ability to channel and use magic.) [b][u]Extra[/u][/b] (You can put whatever you want in this category that couldn't apply to the other parts of the sheet. Delete this category entirely if you're not planning on using it.) [/pre] [b]N P C[/b] [pre] [center][Anime Picture Here][/center] [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] Name: Status: (Alive, Deceased, Unknown?) Affiliation: (Kingdom and/or groups that they belong to.) Age: (Current or last seen age, or age at death.) Gender: Date of Birth: (No year) Height / Weight: Profile: (A description of their role within the RP. You can also include any relevant combat capabilities.) [b][u]Parameters[/u][/b] Resilience: ? / 5 (Physical defenses and healthiness.) Strength: ? / 5 (Physical strength.) Speed: ? / 5 (Physical speed and agility.) Wisdom: ? / 5 (Mental acuity and knowledge.) Technique: ? / 5 (Martial skill level and skill with weapons.) Miracles: ? / 5 (Ability to channel and use magic.) [/pre] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Rh5J9mCY/EndTag.png[/img][/center]