Location: Airedale Mid-morning Airedale Keep [hr] [@A Lowly Wretch][@Guy0fV4lor][@Pyromania99][@Crimson Paladin][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] [color=fff79a]“You have my utmost confidence in your abilities, Reinhardt.”[/color] Sorcha replied to her appointed proxy as she’d turn her head towards Ethelred.[color=fff79a] “I sent her to a village that was most recently sacked. As far as I am aware, no more have been razed since then but it could simply be resting or laying low since it has brought attention to itself.”[/color] She’d point to a post on the table. [color=fff79a]“I’ll be sending you to that village first. See if there’s some clue of her there since that is where she was seen last. Any other information…I am not sure I have. And Od,”[/color] She’d look up from the table towards the other knight. [color=fff79a]“To be clear, Reinhardt is your superior officer in this endeavor. Treat his words as you would mine.”[/color] Taking one last look around the room, she’d give them all an affirmative nod. [color=fff79a]“That will be all. I have faith that you three will be able to bring Elnith back…or give her a proper sendoff if that is what is needed. Now then,”[/color] She’d turn to Luna and Fio. [color=fff79a]“Grab anything you two need. We’ll be leaving the once we send a courier to house Lightsword.”[/color] [hr] [@A Lowly Wretch][@Guy0fV4lor][@Crimson Paladin] [hr] Location: Redwater Point Mid-Morning [hr] And so the trio of knights set off. Ethelred, Od, and Reinhardt. They would head west - heading between Hrelskins’ Fall and the Southern Sea. It wouldn’t be long until they would be out of the cold temperatures of Airedale and into the much more comfortable of southern Albion. Thankfully the first leg of their journey was done without any interruptions or trouble. They would reach a comfortable spot to camp on the edge of the lake…only a few fairies attempting to bother them. The second was a bit more eventful. The start would be easy enough, but as the day dragged on and noon would turn into evening, they would find themselves attacked by a small band of Fomorians. Small, goblin like creatures and a few odd many-headed hunting dogs with scraggly, black fur that vomited plague. Dispatched with ease, but…they had come from the direction of Redwater Point. Overall, It would take the trio of knights two and a half days to reach their first destination of Redwater point. They would be greeted by the sight of a lively village from their vantage of approaching from the eastern end. Wooden walls had been constructed around the village, nothing unusual. Most villages had some manner of walls, though Airedales were one of the few that were actually fully fortified. As they’d approach the gate, a guard would halt them - concerned with Ethelred’s appearance it seemed, but after a brief discussion they’d be let into the town proper. [b]“Make no trouble,”[/b] One of the guards would say. [b]“By the way, Fomorian attacks have increased around here recently. I’m sure the Mayor would pay well for their heads if your lookin’ for some work.”[/b] A guard would off-handedly mention as they’d pass into the city. [b]“And stay away from those ruins if you know what’s good for you. Place is full of bad stuff. And if your lookin’ for a place to keep your steeds,”[/b] He’d motion to a Tavern and Inn near the gate. [b]“The soggy pumpkin can probably take you…”[/b] He’d look at Ethelred’s horse. [b]“...might want to keep that uh, steed of yours out of sight though. I don’t want to have to deal with spooked civilians any more than I have too.”[/b] The town otherwise seemed fairly normal. They could see the place ‘soggy pumpkin’ he had mentioned just off the road. The central market was lively, people selling fish, jewelry, and it seemed like one could probably find a number of things here. A large stone building set on a slightly elevated piece of near the western end of the town. Likely the mayors place. Well, they were free now. Maybe they could find some rumors or information on Elnith or maybe even Harzelslack if possible. [hr] Location: Southern Giants Rest Late afternoon [@Pyromania99][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] The Queens’ entourage would have a far less eventful journey. No fey or Fomorian would cross their path. The first leg of their journey would see them traveling North West, between Mt. Sliabh and Hrelskin’s Fall. They would first make camp in the foothills of the mountain where the Queen would tell a few stories around the campfire to the both of them after drinking quite a bit - namely about the old king and about a particular battle he had with a very angry rabbit. It was hard to tell if that was fact or fiction from how much she had been drinking though. The next day would take them west around the Mountain, where they’d pass a few Tuatha hunters. The two would flee at the sight of the humans, but otherwise was uneventful. Soon, trees and rolling hills would give way to a warmer land…or at least, it should have. A subtle chill still hun in the air. Rising above the trees one could see monolithic stones, thrust into the ground like spears in the distance. A mist hung over the air. They had made it to the southern edge of Giants rest…and as evening would fall upon Albion they would near their destination. Sorcha had let Luna lead the way since she was more familiar with the land than she was. [color=fff79a]“So tell me, Luna, what is your family like?”[/color] Sorcha asked the knight as they’d slowly travel along the path. [color=fff79a]“I hear they are fairly honorable people and brave warriors and that I have them to thank for taking care of many of the bandits in the region.”[/color] She’d look to the knight. [color=fff79a]“I’m curious about this Elder Beast that supposedly blessed your family, too.”[/color]