The days passed fairly quickly since their departure from Airedale. Traveling, trading stories, more traveling. She was on the road patrolling much of the time, but now she was traveling back home with a Queen and a witch. It was an interesting situation she never thought she'd encounter when she was younger. Leading the way, as she recognized the area quite well, Luna marched with joy thinking about how they would soon be home. There was little doubt in her mind that her father would throw a feast to celebrate the Queen and his daughter's arrival. Still, that was for days to come. For now, it was time to rest. The night prior the Queen had shared with her and Fio about a certain rabbit and king's duel, though she had to wonder how much of that was real. No, as they sat around the fire, Queen Sorcha asked her to tell of her family and the Elder Beast that they were blessed by. "My, my. Curious are you, Your Highness?" Luna asked, taking a drink. "Where to start, well. My father is the Lord, of course. He's a good man, though he can be a little overbearing when it comes to mother or one of us children. My eldest brother is a fairly dignified individual, though... When I see him, forgive me if I pull him aside a moment." Luna gave a small, nervous laugh before taking a sip of her drink and continuing. "My second eldest brother, well, he can be a bit rough and he's focused solely on his skill with a blade but he's a good guy, if not a bit of a... Womanizer? Or he likes to think he is. Just... Keep an eye on him if you meet him." She took a breath and sighed a bit, worried about him meeting the Queen and Fio. "Then there are my two younger siblings. My little brother is fairly intelligent, though before I left it seemed like he was focused on learning the blade. And then my sister. She's quite the dear. Much more girly than me, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to hone our family's Light Magic." Luna smiled as she took another drink. "Of course, there are a few people outside my immediate family. A couple of my aunts and uncles and cousins but it wouldn't be too likely to meet them I don't think." She then looked to Sorcha after that, "And like you suggested, we charge ourselves with clearing a large area of bandits. Eliminating camps and making sure there isn't a chance for them to reassemble. We only have so many hands of course, so we are limited in some capacity, but we do attempt to clear from the castle and along the river as well as some of the more frequented roads and the villages we know of." She cleared her throat. "But enough of that. You're interested about our heritage now, are you?" She asked, a bright smile crossing her face. "I'm not sure how much you know, but this is the story of the beginning of the House of Lightsword." The Knightess took a breath before continuing. "The story goes that, Long ago we were but a tribe of warriors not far from here. One of the many tribes that were struggling against each other at the time. Our clan, at the time, was fighting a losing war. We lost much ground until we were pushed to our final hold, north of Giant's Rest. It was then, a being of bright light appeared and drove the invaders back. She gifted us with her power and we countered, forcing the enemy to surrender as we brought our troops to surround their hold. We integrated them and they too fought with us after that." "This being that helped us came to be known as Lucilia. She lead us in battle until, finally, she fell in battle. On her deathbed, she granted her powers to the chief of the tribe and his descendants. The Lightswords. According to the tale, it's where we get our affinity for Light Magic and our strength as well. Though, we seem to also be slightly better at braving the cold than most and that seems to be our giant blood." Luna said, informing the two women with her. She took a breath, happy to tell the tale yet again. "Many of the details have been lost to time though, it would seem. So it's hard to say what's true and not, but I for one believe that we were gifted with something by Lucilia."