[B][I]Indra/Floch permitted this character.[/i][/b] [hider=Kyros Keahi][indent][Indent][center][img]https://imgur.com/kDxPKpM.png[/img][/center][h3]Casefile[/h3][sub][b]Moniker[/b][/sub] [indent]Kyros Keahi[/indent] [sub][b]Selfhood[/b][/sub] [indent]Male - 28[/indent] [sub][b]Class[/b][/sub][indent] S+[/indent] [sub][b]Affiliations[/b][/sub][indent] N/A[/indent] [h3]Concept[/h3][sub][b]Ethnicity[/b][/sub][indent]Ishgari[/indent] [sub][b]Cause[/b][/sub][indent]Kyros is someone who has been forced to learn patience through sweat, toil, and tears. Someone who had cried, raged, and screamed in hatred at people who couldn't care less, who had been forced to learn that foolishness merited painful consequences, including the pangs of hunger and the desperation of thirst, as well as the fist, the lash, and other instruments of cruelty. Someone who is testing the limits of his newfound freedom, and has become sensitive to questions of fairness and prevention of harm. And above all, someone who has an unikely family of his own, and to create a kinder and gentler world for them... If he had a way to do that, of course.[/indent] [sub][b]Effect[/b][/sub][indent]Kyros was born in Fiore, Ishgar, to two members of a Wizard's Guild, Sunlight Stream. Raised in love, taught to esteem knowledge, and with an easy gift for Magic, Kyros inherited his father's affinity for conjuring and controlling fire, which rumors said came from a distant connection to the Dragneel Family. As he grew up, he learned that Magic was much larger than this, and that he didn't have to limit himself to one single style like most Ishgari Magi did. And so he learned not just fire, but also the beginning levels of healing and one of the noblest of arts: Astromancy. However, his halcyon years were about to end, as war was approaching. The Alvarez Empire was trying to recover the glory of the past and was preparing to invade Ishgar, and Sunlight Stream was hired by the Magic Council in order to shore up the defenses. Even its teenaged members were paid to fight, including the 17-year old Kyros, who was already known as a prodigy in fire magic. This was not going to be a repeat of the Great War of 100 years ago; where Fiore, his home, was one of many independent Kingdoms and Ishgar was just a geographical term. Now Ishgar was one Kingdom and all its parts were united to ward off the coming invaders. Nevertheless, the Alvarez Empire offensive struck with more force than expected, overwhelming the border defenses in mere hours, and overruning several cities in the next few days. It was quite clear that they were focusing on Fiore like in the Great War, with the intent of overruning Magnolia City where their founder had been killed long ago. So with an alliance of several other Guilds, including the venerable Fairy Tail, Sunlight Stream staged a surprise counteroffensive, halting the Alvarez advance after a grueling three-day battle in the countryside outside the city. This bought time for Ishgar's forces to rally and regroup, and a year of bloody fighting ensued in which both sides were unable to destroy each other. That year ended in Kyros' eighteenth birthday, where the Alvarez Empire brought in a battalion of Eldian mercenaries to break the stalemate. By then, the boy had grown into an S-class Mage proficient in Fire, Healing, and Astromancy, and had been dubbed a 'Royal Knight of Ishgar' for his valor in the war. So he expected an easy victory even against the Eldians and their 'Titanization' abilities. Alas, reality proved a harsh teacher, and it would not be the last time. Caught off-guard by a flanking maneuver, the Ishgar 5th Army, which Sunlight Stream was accompanying, was surrounded and destroyed in a matter of hours; twenty thousand were killed, and as many people were captured or surrendered. Among them was Kyros, who was one of the last to lay down his sword. It mattered not; the Alvarez Empire had only one use for the prisoners and that was slave labor. Collared and chained with special restraints which bound his magic, Kyros had his dignity taken away from him as he was forced to labor for his enemies. Taken back to the Alvarez homeland as a 'trophy' by the Commander, paraded and exhibited before being used for several jobs (miner and quarryman, then gladiator, then a house servant for the Commander), Kyros was taken aback when a peace treaty was negotiated between Alvarez and Ishgar where the former was allowed to keep the prisoners it had enslaved in exchange for their withdrawal from (most of) their occupied territory. By then, all defiance and thoughts of escape had been beaten out of him or worse, and he had seen many of his fellow slaves die or break in many other ways. But it was not the end; there were seven more years of slavery to undergo. When the Alvarez Commander sold him to a friend of his', Kyros decided to make the best of his bad situation and try and earn a way to freedom. He submitted, he inquired about the current laws of Alvarez to try and find a legal path to freedom, and acted in every way trustworthy. But he was sold off to another master anyway. Then a Mistress. Then another Master, and then one final Mistress, a young noblewoman who claimed descent from Zeref himself, just as Kyros was distantly descended from Zeref's brother Natsu. She freed him on his 28th birthday, and then asked for his hand in marriage as his first act as a free man. He didn't refuse her, but he warned her that he was coming back to Ishgar as soon as possible but that he won't be unfaithful to her, at least not with another woman, at any rate. She said it was all right as long as he gave her a child. He did so, and as his new wife conceived, he reutrned home to a land much poorer than it used to be, but one where his family still lived. He reconnected with them, but knew he couldn't bring his wife there. So he and said wife took up a job as freelance mercenaries and flew all the way to Hizuru, where she gave birth to twins...[/indent] [H3] Attributes [/h3][Sub][b]Talents[/b][/sub][indent] [sub]Non-combat[/sub] An athletic man who is proficient in the use of shields and swords as well as maces, and able to bear the weight of armor. Also a good singer and bard who is well-read in history and metaphysical theory as well as philosophy. Not just that, but he knows first aid and anatomy and is generally knowledgable in general. [sub]Magic[/sub] Fire Magic - Kyros can conjure and control fire and its movements and shapes, as well as its temperature. Very basic elemental magic which is more useful when mixed with his other powers (see Spells), but is reliable on its own when other weapons or tools are unavailable... Healing Magic (Rejection of Injury) - Kyros' Healing Magic works through rejecting the unpleasant aspects of reality, such as physical pain, wounds, or even maiming. Whenever Kyros [I]wills[/i] one of those things to go away and spends Mana on it, it goes away unless counteracted by an even stronger Curse or counteracting magical effect. It also cannot work on nonliving things, although Artificial Intelligences count as 'alive' for the purposes of healing, leading to thoughts that it is Kyros' personal mindset that dictates how the Magic works. Astromancy - Beneath the open sky, Kyros can call on the light of the Sun to fill up his reserves of magical energy and further increase his physical strength, the light of the Moon to give him the grace, speed, and luck of a nocturnal hunter, and the light of the Stars to give him luck and allow him vague insights into the future, as well as curse his enemies with bad fortune. And as long as he is in the open sky, he can call down beams of starlight or even meteors on an enemy, which presents his main weakness: He cannot use his power when the Sun, Moon, and Stars are covered up by smoke or the ground. [/indent] [sub][b]Items[/b][/sub] [indent]- Civilian Clothes. - Armor. - Shield. - Dagger. - Hizuru Residency Documents. - Passport. - Smartphone. - Laptop. - Credit/Debit Cards. [/indent] [sub][b]Warcry[/b][/sub] [sub]Spells[/sub] https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Djai-767YTFlmr5gVq0WD5odvyQJLZHdFkLrlbwSK0/edit?usp=sharing [sub]Heirloom[/sub] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hCTQbiAWW9IXDXHnMwDMd1p2g1mR69GL5SuCfF2mT2M/edit?usp=sharing [sub][b]Theme[/b][/sub] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZMfeljghFs [/indent][/indent][/hider]